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Stupidity at Stanford Week in Education

Stupidity at Stanford Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

Stanford University really ought to be ashamed about what happened there last week.

Just outrageous.

And if all of that wasn’t bad enough…

It’s just another reminder that the left owns and runs higher education.

There is an agenda here.

The left is making debate impossible.

There is push back, but is it enough?

A stark warning.


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Since the NCAA tourney does touch education, hopefully we will see Harris’s talk to the Howard team after it lost to Kansas by 28.

None of those protesters deserve to get law degrees or any other type of degree.

“Stupidity Week at Stanford”

To paraphrase a famous Legal Blog: Your’re gonna need a bigger calendar!

I’m assuming that the President of Stanford and the Dean of the College of Law just hope this all goes away, since they have been curiously silent since their apology–until and unless they take meaningful action against the deans, including the Dean of the College of Law, and the little brown shirts posing as law students, they are not serious about the First Amendment and we should treat them and Stanford accordingly