Defense Department Reportedly Doubling Down on Social Justice Curriculum for Children of Military Families

The government transparency group called ‘Open the Books’ is looking at the education curriculum for children of military families, headed by Kelisa Wing.

We have covered Kelisa Wing before. She has allegedly made disparaging remarks about white people.

According to their findings, Wing is doubling down on the progressive social justice element in the curriculum.

Adam Andrzejewski of Open the Books reports:

Military Stonewalling On Controversial Diversity Official Leading K-12 SchoolsKelisa Wing, the Pentagon K-12 school diversity chief, is doubling down on her commitment to “tear down” and “uproot” the curriculum taught to the children of our military families.Despite public scrutiny, her controversial children’s books keep proliferating in school libraries and ethical questions about her outside consulting work remain.All the while, the government has blown past its own deadline to review her employment, Wing has retained her job, and the Pentagon continues stonewalling in the face of questions from Congress.(Kelisa Wing has not been accused of wrongdoing by the Pentagon and the DOD refuses to answer whether or not her activities were approved.)…As Wing Doubles Down, So Do the Pentagon’s K-12 Schools Kelisa Wing has authored or contributed to 23 books, a fact she has discussed on multiple forums, including at the DoD. She gave a “shameless plug” for one of her books at a DoD conference, allegedly contravening agency rules forbiddingemployees from making sales solicitations to colleagues, and she has also gone into the classroom to read her books to children at her agency.Most of Kelisa Wing’s books were published since 2021 as part of several social justice-oriented series geared towards children, with include titles like:

In these and most of her other children’s books, an author’s name appears “with” Kelisa Wing. But in her Air Force Times interview, Wing denied authoring them: “I want to go on record that I’m not the author of those books,” describing her role as a “content adviser.”In at least one other interview given before her scandal broke, she refers to the people named alongside her on the books’ covers as “co-author,” which seems to contradict her new denial.In October 2022 auditors searched the book catalogues of all 160 DoD school libraries and discovered 11 schools collectively carried 45 copies of Wing’s children’s books.But a new audit in January 2023 revealed an extraordinary increase in those numbers: 49 schools now carry 606 copies. It’s more than a 1,200% increase, despite the public controversy!

Watch the video below:

On a related note, the Secretary of the Army is on Twitter talking about the military’s commitment to fighting climate change:

Does everyone feel like the United States is now safer and more secure?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Defense Department, Education, Military, Progressives, Social Justice