Tolerant Leftists Say Nikki Haley Is Abandoning Indian Heritage by Using Her Middle Name

Few things are more predictable in this country than the Very Online (Woke) Left showing their true ugly colors when minority politicos in the Republican party assert themselves by running for higher office and patently rejecting the “America is racist” narrative.

As per the norm, that exact scenario has played out this week in the aftermath of former Trump ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley announcing her 2024 presidential candidacy.

Almost immediately, far leftists including supposedly “respectable” hosts and analysts from MSNBC and CNN revived the tiresome “Nikki Haley is trying to hide from her Indian heritage” lie in part because she uses her middle name (her full name as it is listed on her birth certificate is Nimarata Nikki Randhawa), further proving how absolutely terrified they are at the possibility that a minority GOP candidate could one day be president.

Haley’s declaration that America is not a racist country is what triggered the meltdowns. First, let’s take a look at that portion of her speech:

Next, let’s check out how the smears about Haley allegedly running away from her Indian heritage were aided and abetted by the mainstream media, who were obviously on standby to launch pre-written hit pieces on her supposedly “complicated racial dance” right out of the gate:

Predictably, the usual race arsonists on the left did their thing, including Atlantic writer Jemelle Hill:

New York Times writer/CNN commentator Wajahat Ali also got in on the act:

Former MSNBC host Tiffany Cross made sure to refer to Haley by her first name:

CNN legal and national security analyst Asha Rangappa, a lecturer at Yale and a former FBI agent, was confronted over comments she made in 2020 in a since-deleted tweet about Haley using her middle name:

She proceeded to proclaim that part of Haley’s alleged plan to hide her Indian heritage was to take her husband’s last name:

… and then later went full birther in urging her followers to dig through South Carolina probate records to see if “Nikki” was actually Haley’s middle name prior to her marriage:

The media’s favorite woke Trump family member Mary Trump also wigged out:

MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan pretended to take the high road:

And yet in commentary from his show, he, too, accused Haley of pretending to be white in order to gain political advantage:

“It’s not just her gender, let’s talk race,” Hasan continued. “She kicked off her inaugural address as Governor of South Carolina in 2011, just as she kicked off her presidential announcement on Wednesday. By describing herself as a proud daughter of Indian immigrants. Like fellow Indian Republican Bobby Jindal in Louisiana three years earlier, Haley ran for governor in her own southern state without really leaning into her race or ethnic identity beyond her stock line and a few speeches. Black state lawmaker later told The Atlantic ‘There are many people in the state who don’t think of her as Indian at all. They think she is just a nice conservative woman with a tan.’ Gender, race, it all matters to Haley until it doesn’t. By the way back in 2011, according to public records obtain by local papers, hilariously this proud daughter Indian immigrant identified herself as white on her voter registration card.”

Twitter appears to be okay with leaving up the lie about Haley “changing her name,” though user-driven fact checks have been added to many of the tweets in question:

Ironically, some of the same folks who have hit out at Haley for using her middle name also do not use their first names, like Rangappa, who added her first name (Renuka) to her Twitter profile after she got called out. She stated that she didn’t use it professionaly because it was supposedly hard for Americans to pronounce:

She’s now changed it to “Ashley” in an attempt at mocking her critics.

“View” co-host Sunny Hostin, who in September declared that Haley was “fake” because she wouldn’t “lean in” to her Indian heritage, also does not go by her first name:

Hostin admitted in 2021 that her real motivation in going by “Sunny” was to advance her career, noting that her “career took off” after she started using the name.

Woke leftists who “lean in” on their race in part by using names other than their first ones to advance their careers and make money turning around and criticizing someone else for allegedly doing the same thing sounds like an incredibly stupid and hypocritical argument to make because that’s precisely what it is–an incredibly stupid and hypocritical argument.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2024 Republican Primaries, CNN, MSNBC, Nikki Haley, Progressives, Racism