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Nikki Haley Kicks Off 2024 Presidential Campaign: ‘Time for a New Generation’

Nikki Haley Kicks Off 2024 Presidential Campaign: ‘Time for a New Generation’

“It’s time for a new generation of leadership, to rediscover fiscal responsibility, secure our border and strengthen our country, our pride and our purpose. Some people look at America and see vulnerability.”

It’s official. Former South Carolina governor and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is running for president in 2024 against President Donald Trump:

HALEY: “Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven out of the last eight presidential elections. That has to change. Joe Biden’s record is abysmal, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Washington establishment has failed us over and over and over again. It’s time for a new generation of leadership, to rediscover fiscal responsibility, secure our border and strengthen our country, our pride and our purpose. Some people look at America and see vulnerability. The socialist left sees an opportunity to rewrite history. China and Russia are on the march. They all think we can be bullied, kicked around. You should know this about me: I don’t put up with bullies. And when you kick back, it hurts them more if you’re wearing heels. I’m Nikki Haley and I’m running for president.”

I cannot wait to see what Trump does because, in 2021, Haley said she wouldn’t run in 2024 if Trump ran again.

Haley said she would support Trump in 2024.

Haley also told Politico that she didn’t think Trump would run for federal office again.


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“It’s time for a new generation of leadership, to rediscover fiscal responsibility, secure our border and strengthen our country, our pride and our purpose. Some people look at America and see vulnerability. The socialist left sees an opportunity to rewrite history. China and Russia are on the march. They all think we can be bullied, kicked around. You should know this about me: I don’t put up with bullies. ”

Me, too. We had this with Trump.

    Massinsanity in reply to Valerie. | February 14, 2023 at 10:50 am

    No more 80 year olds running the country, Trump included.

    Trump told Haley she should run for president. So she’s taking his advice.

      Paula in reply to JR. | February 14, 2023 at 1:30 pm

      Yes, but she wants to take the lazy way. She doesn’t want to fight to earn her spot. She wants it handed to her. Others should step aside for her and clear the field because she can’t compete.

      If everybody has a chance to compete, they should compete, not go beggging. “It’s my time, so please don’t run againt me or I will lose.”

      Okay… and? Please explain.

      She has zero chance of winning. She will poll at 2% vs MOE of 5%. Just like Pence, Pompeo, Brennan, and the rest. None of them will be making a dent in Trump because, if you haven’t yet noticed, his support is rock solid. They might take some votes away from DeSantis at first but more likely from each other. As soon as they all start to focus their attacks on Trump, they will all be lumped together to be rejected together and their combined voter pool shrinks. This is the DeSantis scenario for being the last to declare as the white knight to save the NeverTrumpers in the end. That was the 2016 GOP Clown Car strategy for Jeb!!! We all know how President Jeb!!! worked out.

      So what is your point? That Trump was an idiot for encouraging her to run? Seems to me he was just helping her fall in the direction she was already falling. Why fight her? Blind ambition is blind for a reason. Encourage her to fail and learn a valuable lesson!

You’re right, Nikki. It’s time for a new generation, so step aside and let somebody on the sunny side of 50 run.

    Like President Trump just think of what he could have accomplished for US without all those knifes in his back?

    You think Haley, DeSantis, pence, Youngkin would try or do 10% of that?

    Wake up

      E Howard Hunt in reply to gonzotx. | February 14, 2023 at 10:08 am


      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to gonzotx. | February 14, 2023 at 11:29 am

      He sure has a lot to say about Rehanna. That shows he has a lot of fight left in him.

      mailman in reply to gonzotx. | February 14, 2023 at 11:49 am

      Half agree with you G.

      Trump could have worked miracles, well more than he had achieved working on his own, had the Republicans gotten behind him and had Democrats not border the crazy train because they ran a terrible candidate.

      Had there in fact been a peaceful transfer of power he would have had 2 glorious years of improving the lives of ALL Americans.

      Haley had her chance but threw her hat in with the GOPe.

      DeathSantis has not only been saying the right things but, more importantly, he’s been fighting the right wars. I think he will be an amazing President responsible for the deaths of two or three billion lefties with his family centric and child protecting policies:

      Knives in the back by his own party is what is referred to around here as “baggage”. The most investigated president in history has been cleared over and over again yet the NeverTrumpers continue hurling the Uniparty lies hoping to make them stick. Fortunately, most of us see it for what it is. It isn’t working. If anything, it is making Trump stronger and stronger. The latest polls show Trump leading again all other candidates combined. Trump will hold on to his 50+% while winning over a few more while DeSantis wastes his time on the sidelines being obviously coy.

      If DeSantis isn’t planning on soon declaring he is not running, he is a fool. Right now, he stands to lose the VP slot to Keri Lake. An untarnished DeSantis teamed with Trump would be a landslide. Trump-Lake could quickly become more appealing. Kick-ass MAGA woman untarnished by dirty money? Baby!!!!!

“It’s time for a new generation.”

Oh, you don’t mean its time for you to step aside for the generation behind you? You want the generation ahead of you to step aside for you.

The only way you would have a chance is if everyone stepped aside and you were the only one running—then you might come in second.

    Massinsanity in reply to Paula. | February 14, 2023 at 10:52 am

    She ain’t that young, the generation ahead of her should go enjoy retirement.

      They should step aside so she will have less competition? Better chance of winning? That’s why transwomen want to swim with the girls. They would have no chance of winning otherwise.

his is actually her first bid for VP.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | February 14, 2023 at 10:06 am

I don’t think she’s wrong about it being time for a new generation. I doubt that she will be the one to do it.

I don’t think you read the room correctly, Nikki. Now is not your time… “Never” is.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to UJ. | February 15, 2023 at 7:42 am

    “You should know this about me: I don’t put up with bullies.”

    Yet, as Governor, she caved to the bullies.

    Nikki for President! Not a chance.

commend her actions and her words afterward viz the superbowl–there is only THE national anthem in the usa–grateful to her for speaking the truth about that

    Huh?! Are you thinking of Kari Lake?

    Lift Every Voice And Sing is a beautiful and inspiring hymn, and it’s completely appropriate to sing it on any occasion, but it’s not an anthem. Not only isn’t it our anthem, it isn’t suitable to be any nation’s anthem, because it’s completely generic. Any human being, or indeed any intelligent being at all, can sing it with equal identification. The angels on high could sing it, and maybe they do. That’s not what an anthem is.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Milhouse. | February 14, 2023 at 11:31 am

      The racial separatists – aka the “celebrate diversity” bunch – WANT this to be an anthem as a way to further divide the nation. It’s the same crowd wanting sainthood for drug addicts and bullying shoplifters that grab for a policeman’s gun.

        It’s the same crowd wanting sainthood for drug addicts and bullying shoplifters that grab for a policeman’s gun.

        exactly–on the other hand, stapleton’s rendition of the anthem was breathtaking–soaring, beautiful, original

        I get so pissed when I read the gaslighting:

        You would think the MAGA lot would love a song praising liberty. Not so, it turns out, if it is sung by a Black woman.

        Last night, the incomparable Sheryl Lee Ralph sang “Lift Every Voice and Sing” – dubbed the “Black national anthem” long before “The Star-Spangled Banner” was adopted as the official national anthem – at the Super Bowl, arguably the biggest night in America’s civic religion. What should have been a unifying moment (again, this is a song about a love of freedom and liberty, not unlike “God Bless America” or “My Country, ‘tis of Thee”) has turned into yet another opportunity for the Jim Crow caucus to divide Americans and stoke a culture war.

        “Unifying” my shiny metal ass. The very purpose of demanding the singing of this song is to be divisive. It’s an in-your-face insult: “Screw the anthem we share with everybody else, we have our own now.”

        And I don’t give a damn WHO sings it.

        And to America’s credit, there are a lot of commenters in the comment section who make all these objections to “Skylar Baker-Jordan’s” woke twaddle.

      texansamurai in reply to Milhouse. | February 14, 2023 at 11:43 am

      Huh?! Are you thinking of Kari Lake?

      yes–mea culpa and apologies to lake–SHE is the one intended to compliment

Gee she reminds me of someone I’ve seen before,,,,Oh Mitt is that you in a skirt? She has been measuring the curtains for a long time.


Haley and Pompeo cancel each other out. Neither has a chance and Pompeo intensely disliked her in the Trump admin. Neither of them are going anywhere and probably don’t expect to. Just placing their markers. Now she will be forever introduced as former presidential candidate Nicky Haley. All stand!

Let her run for the presidency. If she’s up to that level of scrutiny, she deserves the opportunity.

Concerning you people who seem to think she’s “too old,” she was born in 1972. That means she’s barely into her 50s. “Sunny side of fifty”? Up yours.

She was a good governor and a great UN Ambassador. After countries continued to disrespect the U.S. at Turtle Bay, she told much of the world not to take US support for granted anymore. This included the Euros. And there were times of chaos in the Trump Administration when Haley was a steady hand. I wish her luck and I hope her candidacy one way or another leads to the retaking of the White House by a non-insane Republican. (And, yet, I will vote for that insane Republican should he be the nominee.)

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to Stuytown. | February 14, 2023 at 11:22 am

    Haley bowed to the wokesters as governor and colluded in pulling down historical monuments so she could be seen to worship St. Floyd.

    Its good she provided that evidence early on, so we know what she would do in a similar
    woke-vs-rationality moment.

      I cannot find any support for your statement. She ordered that Confederate Flags be taken down after the shooting of 9 black church members at AME Church in Charleston. I agree with that decision. You are free to disagree. But it is very far from a “woke” moment.

The Gentle Grizzly | February 14, 2023 at 11:06 am

A new generation is fine, Miss Nicky, but not a new generation of neocon.

I’d be interested in who she thinks her constituency is. Which faction of the GOP are “her people”?

I would not run if President Trump ran
And, yet….
Of course, any politician can be expected to run if they think they have the slightest shot, because political office is what they do, and it’s a really hard drug to let go of.

China and Russia are on the march.

Nikki will strike fear into the hearts of Xi and Putin, I’m sure.

I liked Haley in her early days and she seemed destined to rise up in the GOP, but she put her wet finger to the wind after she left the Trump admin and became a windsock. She showed that she never really possed any firm beliefs or ethics of her own and thus became a true politician. I think we have enough of her kind already.

Trump is yesterday’s newspaper. Someone needs to tell him.

I like Nikki.

She is more likely running for Vice President, as she has little chance of winning the primary herself.

She just feels left out because she didn’t end up with any classified documents.

She has 0 shot, only slightly less than any other Republican you name. Mail vote fraud as ruled the last 2 elections and no sign of stopping it.

Yeah, I knew she announced when she showed up in my mailbox this morning asking for money. I went to hit the “unsubscribe” link… but there wasn’t one. It’s the little things that tickle your sixth sense for mistrust.

Neither Haley nor Noem, Pompeo or Hogan have any realistic shot at the nomination.


if its her or a Dem in the general, I’ll show up to vote against the D.

Zero chance I’ll support her in the primary.

I’m for DeSantis, or Ted Cruz, or President Trump (in order of preference).

Any other R at the top of the ticket, and I’ll be holding my nose to vote against the D, rather than voting FOR someone I actually support.

Paint dries, grass grows, leaves fall, whatever.

No thanks. You fell for the Bubba Wallace hoax and couldn’t wait to get in front of a camera before all the facts were in.

At the end of the day, none of this will matter if they don’t fix election fraud. There seems to be no Republican impetus to do this.