Talking Heads Strangely Quiet on Biden After More Classified Docs Found at Delaware Home

Early on when the story of the Joe Biden classified documents scandal first broke, his White House Special Counsel declared that the storage of classified documents in places they weren’t supposed to be (the garage at Biden’s Delaware home as well as in a closet at his former office at the Penn Biden Center) was “inadvertent.”

Around that same time, the Biden White House was repeatedly telling reporters that the search for any additional documents was “complete”:

And on the rare occasions since then where Biden has answered questions about the issue, he’s gotten awfully testy with reporters, defiantly telling them that he has “no regrets” with how the documents were handled:

The downplaying of this scandal has of course not been limited to Joe Biden and officials in his administration. Prior to Saturday’s breaking news about even more documents being found – which proves that both Joe Biden and his attorneys lied, left-wing talking heads, fellow Democrats, and some NeverTrumpers all climbed on board the “inadvertent” train in trying to convince everyone that this is no big deal in the scheme of things.

It is very “different,” they said, than the classified documents situation with former President Donald Trump.

Case in point:

Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace, one of MSNBC’s most vociferous Biden cheerleaders, spent the week downplaying Biden’s potential mishandling of classified documents. On Thursday, she summarized the story: “In November, President Biden’s lawyers found less than a dozen documents in an office he used in Washington and turned them over to the National archives. That’s about it.”During that same show, MSNBC contributor Harry Litman insisted Biden’s case was “not the sort of thing you need a Special Counsel for.”

Here’s a compilation video of Democrats and leftist pundits downplaying the Biden documents scandal prior to Saturday’s news:

And there’s more where that came from:

As it turns out, there were some differences, just not the ones Joe Biden wants you to focus on:

But hey, I mean at least the “Corvette standard” for securing documents was in effect in Biden’s garage, right? Another difference between Biden’s document scandal and Trump’s:

Move along, nothing to see here—at least that’s what Biden’s defenders, many of whom have gone strangely silent on this matter—want you to think.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Biden Classified Documents, Democrats, Joe Biden