Revealed: Then-VP Biden Removed Top-Secret “Sensitive Compartmented” Classified Documents, Kept In His Private U. Penn Office

It has just been revealed that Joe Biden, upon leaving office as Obama’s Vice President, took with him some of the most sensitive classified documents, and then kept them in his private office at the University of Pennslyvania.

CNN reports:

Several classified documents from President Joe Biden’s time as vice president were discovered last fall in a private office, Biden’s attorneys acknowledged Monday.Attorney General Merrick Garland has asked the US attorney in Chicago to investigate the matter, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN, and congressional Republicans are also taking notice.Biden’s lawyers say they found the government materials in November while closing out a Washington, DC-based office – the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement – that Biden used as part of his relationship with the University of Pennsylvania, where he was an honorary professor from 2017 to 2019.Fewer than a dozen classified documents were found at Biden’s office, another source told CNN. It is unclear what the documents pertain to or why they were taken to Biden’s private office….The classified materials included some top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” designation, also known as SCI, which is used for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources.

There is no indication in the reporting that the Penn Biden Center had the type of elaborate security, including Secret Service protection, that the documents found at Mar-a-Lago had. U. Penn is a major recipient of Chinese communist donations.

And of course, as vice president Biden had no authority to declassify documents, unlike Trump who was president.

How irresponsible!

Team Biden has the talking points issued – We turned ourselves in, no biggie, we’re cooperating.

The Twitter Lawyer Resistance is working hard to create distinctions without differences, which boil down to “Orange Man worse”:

How long before we hear, “he’s old, he’s forgetful”?

Tags: biden, Biden Classified Documents, DOJ, FBI, Mar-a-Lago Raid 2022