Latest Twitter Files Shows How Big Pharma Pushed Social Media to Silence #PeoplesVaccine Movement
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Latest Twitter Files Shows How Big Pharma Pushed Social Media to Silence #PeoplesVaccine Movement

Latest Twitter Files Shows How Big Pharma Pushed Social Media to Silence #PeoplesVaccine Movement

An astonishing glimpse into the fiscal power of Big Pharma, and the industry’s focus on profits instead of real science, national security, and basic humanity.

Another batch of Twitter Files landed hot off the thread reader, focusing on how Big Pharma pushed its covid-vaccine-narrative onto social media.

Investigative journalist Lee Fang explained how vaccine manufacturer and distributor Pfizer partner BioNTech sought to censor those calling for low-cost generic vaccines in low-income countries.

Fang showed how Big Pharma took a page from Obama Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”.

Fang asserted that the files show Big Pharma “saw the crisis as an opportunity for unprecedented profit.” This included shutting out others who could help with treatments and vaccines. He noted that “pharma launched a massive lobbying blitz to crush any effort to share patents/IP…”

Twitter was admonished to look for hashtags such as #PeoplesVaccine, directed at pharmaceutical firms.

In December 2020, German biotech giant BioNTech emailed Twitter directly to ask content moderators to censor users who had posted tweets asking the company to share its intellectual property and patents to allow other drugmakers to produce generic vaccines at lower costs.

That email was followed, one day later, with another from a European lobbyist representing the pharmaceutical industry warning Twitter about an impending campaign by activists calling for low-cost vaccines on the platform. The lobbyist cued Twitter to be on the lookout for users posting #PeoplesVaccine, among other hashtags.

The lobbyist also asked the platform to keep an eye on the accounts owned by BioNTech, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna.

“The authorities are warning about “serious consequences” of the action, i.e. posts and a flood of comments “that may violate [Twitter’s terms of service]” as well as the “takeover of user accounts” are to be expected,” the lobbyist warned.

Twitter ended up monitoring ‘fake accounts’ protesting Pfizer, …which turned out to be real people.

Fang revealed that Pfizer and Moderna’s marketing group BIO provided nearly $1.3 million to manipulate the “misinformation” policies to silence #PeoplesVaccine and other liberty-crushing vaccine policies such as vaccine passports.

Fang summed up his #TwitterFiles with an email and an observation that the silencing went only one way. Bold claims made by Big Pharma-approved sources were never challenged, censored, or labeled “misinformation.”

Fang’s analysis corresponds with the findings of former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, who focused on Dr. Scott Gottlieb, President Donald Trump’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner and sitting board member of Pfizer. The findings also align with that of David Zweig, who showed how the critical debate about covid was stifled by bots, foreign contractors, and biased executives who pruned decision trees to determine specific tweets’ fate.

Before covid, Americans were generally keen to trust doctors and public health professionals automatically. Fang, Berenson, and Zweig have provided astonishing glimpses into the fiscal power of Big Pharma and the industry’s focus on profits instead of real science, national security, and basic humanity.

Of course, in doing so, Big Pharma has utterly destroyed our trust in it. Good luck convincing people to continue to agree to vaccines and medications in the future mindlessly.


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In a just world, every single one of the so-called experts in the alphabet agencies who orchestrated this scheme of medical mass murder would be rotting in prison awaiting executions for their crimes against humanity.

Every. Single. One.

This is the measure of our resolve.

    Suburban Farm Guy in reply to LB1901. | January 17, 2023 at 9:53 am

    We are being subjected to the awfulness of all this stuff without seeing justice for any of it. Or being able to DO anything about it. Twitter dump fatigue has set in and it’s uniquely demoralizing

      henrybowman in reply to Suburban Farm Guy. | January 17, 2023 at 11:32 am

      “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

      If there is no justice for long enough, there will be blood. As the man says: inevitable.

A standard rule of thumb – the money spent on advertising is directly proportional to the profit margin.

Notice the amount of money spent on advertising for the covid vaccine!
guess the correlation to the profit margin

Another episode demonstrating how important it was for Musk to purchase Twitter. An open platform for the free exchange of ideas is a threat to the heterodox ideas and policies of the establishment in and out of govt. That’s why they opposed it and why they are targeting Kirk’s other endeavors as well.

    Valerie in reply to CommoChief. | January 17, 2023 at 10:32 am

    An open platform with a free exchange of ideas may be essential if we are to build a sustainable home for the family of Man.

    We have seen regulatory capture by one company in the pharmaceutical industry rain disaster on our heads. I sincerely hope what I’ve been seeing is wrong, but right now it looks like a third of the mRNA and DNA-treated population of multiple countries has cardiac damage, and that is just the cardiac damage, not the reproductive damage and mental effects (what does “brain fog” eventually yield?).

    Nevertheless, i have also seen clever, capable clinicians develop identify the underlying problems (viral reproduction, immune system incompetence, and co-infections) and rapidly devise effective tools against a novel virus. We will need similar cleverness, probably from other people, if we are to mitigate the problem of vaccine injury.

    The virus is not our only problem that will be responsive to crowd-sourcing. The input from the creative fringe is where America has typically found solutions to our greatest problems. That is why we need free speech and free markets: our collective decision-making capability is enhanced by open debate. #tunnelvisionkills.

      BierceAmbrose in reply to Valerie. | January 17, 2023 at 2:37 pm

      “… identify the underlying problems (viral reproduction, immune system incompetence, and co-infections)” Been groping for that turn of phrase. Operation categories for the n ot-jab stuff that works, across the board. Thank you.

      — “Viral reproduction”: Interrupt it. That’s a mechanism that explains, for instance, nasal lavage with simple salt water reducing infection, severity, and transmission.

      — “Immune system incompetence”: That mechanism provides a way in for understanding steroid and nutriceutical interventions. What’s a “cytoine storm” but an immune response disregualtion; seems like “incompetence.” T-cell exhaustion?

      — “Co-infections”: They’re often what kills you. Pneumonia is opportunistic and ubiquitous. Older people who die of flu don’t so much die of flu, as of pneumonia that got a foothold because of the flu. The ‘rona is particularly nasty in creating oppy for other problems.

      This “non-antibody responses also matter” perspective also fits with the relative resistance across demographics: their non-antibody responses are more or less robust. (Shocking!)

      Fascinating to me how the whole approach locked onto The One True Mechanism, of detectable blood-born antibodies, Other mechanisms also learn and adapt, could be supported on purpose with treatments, or both.

      It’s like the immune system is an — er — system; interventions and failure modes can show up all over it.

We have gone so far down the rabbit hole that we can no longer determine who has done what to whom. But clearly, nothing is what it seems. Or as Dorothy said to Toto, “We’re not in Kansas anymore.”

    MattMusson in reply to Paula. | January 17, 2023 at 10:58 am

    The Latest release is more serious. The FBI pushed Twitter to provide IP Addresses, Names, Email Addresses and GEOLOCATIONS of thousands of twitter users they did not like.

I’ll just add that DuckDuckGo recently announced that it was culling the sources of its results, reporting only from “approved” sources. This has made it noticeably harder to use that search engine to find articles I know exist. This was public, and nobody asked “why” or “who approves?”

This happened to Google long ago, and is the reason I left that search engine.

I am well aware that you can find anything on the Internet. I saw something from the Flat Earthers this morning, and Palestinian-style re-written history is available every day as an imposition on some of the other sites I visit.

But, articles by medical doctors prominent in their fields have become a whole lot harder to find, also.

    henrybowman in reply to Valerie. | January 17, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    A lot of people asked why. The only answer given was a possible half-truth: that the entire job of a search engine is to curate what it perceives you want from what it perceives you don’t want, and not just deliver every occurrence of a phrase on every web page in the world in an entirely non-preferential order. Nobody wants that, and it would be useless to everybody.

    It’s not controversial to rank the NYT higher than an eBay sale aggregation “service” or a fifth-grade class blog project. The closer the comparison, the more controversial it becomes. Should a search engine grant reputational parity to a flat earth website? Holocaust deniers? Stormfront? MGTOW? Reddit?

    What people don’t want is for a search engine to impose a bias they don’t agree with. But no search engine will agree with all your criteria completely. The best you can do is choose the brand that most agrees with you, same as you would in your supermarket’s ethnic foods aisle.

      BierceAmbrose in reply to henrybowman. | January 17, 2023 at 2:54 pm

      I, myself don’t mind curation; I do mind curation on the D-L. Even otherwise unfiltered search results are a form of curation.

      You probably know, but for the non-computer people out there: Google’s original page rank — code named “backrub” — listed literally everything they found. They won the search engine wars, crowd sourcing what’s interesting or important based on what was back-linked out on the interwebz vas a proxy.

      Search services trying to provide people info they want would have a menu of selection and ranking machinery to choose from. That’s too hard, or they’re not interested, or something.

      I, myself, am perpetually fascinated at the techno-utopian commentariat’s takes on the single-service monopolies. They blow right past noticing that the compute-enabled mass customization, mass customizes the centrally-specified push content served individuals, but mass curates results people ask to see. You even hear breathless takes on end-node computing recruited to work for the centralized curation.

      If anyone needed more confirmation who BigTech’s real customers are…

I am absolutely shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn of these things. Next thing you know, they’ll discover that water is wet.

Who’da thunk a den of thieves would act any differently?

Aaaaand… you’ll hardly ever hear about this in the mainstream media, because they are shills bought & paid for courtesy of Big Pharma.

Facts in evidence: all the ads run during news shows, “sponsored by Pfizer,” et al.