#Twitterfiles Vindicate Dr. Andrew Bostom – Wrongly Suspended For Accurate But Politically Inconvenient Science On Covid

Andrew Bostom photo

You may remember Andrew Bostom, a Rhode Island physician and researcher with in impressive CV who was suspended on Twitter after tweeting a link to a peer-reviewed article from a reputable science journal about possible negative effects on sperm from the Covid-19 vaccine.Dr. Bostom went public with his suspension at Legal Insurrection on June 22, 2022, I’m An MD Suspended By Twitter For Tweeting A Link To A Scientific Article On COVID-19 Vaccine Lowering Sperm Counts.

…. Until this morning, I had a very active Twitter account with a large following through which I shared scientific information, as well as my personal views.This morning (6/22/22) I awakened to learn that overnight Twitter had summarily and simultaneously locked, and then suspended my account for this “offending” tweet from Father’s Day, 6/19/22:… The tweet in question contained data from a recent peer reviewed publication in the journal Andrology, with the eponymous title, “Covid-19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors”…. The Journal Andrology is highly respected and published through a joint effort of American and European scientific associationsThe study was a straightforward, serial analysis of young male Israeli semen donors evaluating the potential impact of Pfizer’s covid-19 mRNA vaccine on their sperm concentration (count), and related functional measures, 15-45 [Time 1],75-120 [T2], and over 150 days after [T3] vaccination.”What did the investigators find?Again, quoting their publicationverbatim, based upon what the authors defineda priori, as the primary statistical analysis (i.e., “ [a] 1) generalized estimated equation model (GEE) was used for repeated measures analysis,” which is indeed the most appropriate method!):

 “sperm concentration was significantly lower due to decrease of -15.4% (confidence interval -25.5%–3.9%) compared to [Time zero/baseline] T0 (p=0.01). Moreover, [total motile count; how sperm moved] TMC percentage change reduction of 22.1% was significantly lower compared to T0 (confidence interval -35% – -6.6%, p=0.007) as well. Although concentration and TMC were reduced also on T3, these values did not reach statistical significance.”

My suspension is yet another example of Twitter’s arbitrary, Lysenkoist breaches of informed public discourse on covid-19. The suspension must be reversed, and my account restored fully intact, immediately.

We continued to follow Dr. Bostom’s efforts to get restored to Twitter after retaining the lawyer who successfully sued Twitter for Alex Berenson, Physician Threatens To Sue Twitter Over Suspension For Tweeting Scientific Article On COVID-19 Vaccine Lowering Sperm Counts (UPDATED). Dr. Bostom initially was restored, but then suspended “permanently” — until Christmas this year when he was restored.

The most recent release of Twitterfiles revealed that Twitter worked with government officials to silence dissenting medical views related to Covid, and one of the victims was Dr. Bostom, who was permanently suspended even though Twitter found 4 of his 5 flagged tweets not to be misinformation and the 5th flagged tweet in fact was accurate. Leslie mentioed Dr.Bostom’s tweet in her post, Twitter Files COVID Edition: How Twitter Rigged the Covid Debate With Help From the White House:

Dr. Andrew Bostom, a Rhode Island physician, was permanently suspended from Twitter after receiving multiple strikes for “misinformation.” The suspension is an example of the free-speech-destroying level of bias in the covid review process on the platform.

Bostom provided this statement to Legal Insurrection:

I want to thank journalist David Zweig for exposing the grotesque injustice of Twitter‘s suspension of many accounts, including my own, due to alleged covid-19 “misinformation” i.e., evidence-based data rebutting the warped, but “accepted” covid-19 narrative. The fact that Twitter itself found 4/5 of my tweets which garnered “strikes” were not “misinformation” raises the question as to why my account was ever suspended, let lone how that unjustified suspension persisted for 5-months. Indeed as Mr. Zweig also points out, the lone tweet ultimately deemed “misinformation,” was accurate data from CDC demonstrating that pediatric influenza mortality during the past ~decade often greatly exceeded pediatric covid mortality in 2020, and 2021, per annum. My “offense” was not abiding an “accepted narrative” regardless of how warped that narrative was.  Twitter’s behavior, certainly before Elon Musk took ownership of the company, epitomizes the triumphal (for now) anti-scientific, ethical, and legal cretinism of today’s major social media platforms.  Hope springs eternal Mr. Musk will succeed in re-creating Twitter as a true uncensored platform for the free exchange of ideas.



Tags: Free Speech, Twitterfiles, Wuhan Coronavirus