Omnibus Bill’s Monstrous Linkage of “Family Planning” to “Biodiversity”

Fox Business pundit Larry Kudlow used the term “monstrosity” to describe the Omnibus bill that is being considered by the US Congress.

…Republicans, or at least the Senate version, pretend to be opposed to tax hikes, but in this monstrosity omnibus, they didn’t lift one pinky ring finger to prevent tax hikes, which, by the way, will retard investment, productivity, jobs, real wages and blue-collar family incomes.So, this is not just a monster spending hike bill, this is also a tax hike bill, which Mr. McConnell is apparently so proud of. Other Republicans are trying to sell this loser on the basis of a 2% reduction to the $12.6 billion annual IRS budget, but this does nothing about the $80 billion increase already legislated in the fraudulently named “Inflation Reduction Act” for 87,000 new IRS agents. In other words, nothing happened.There are so many crazy things in this bill, we don’t really have the time to go through all of them. On just a couple of ironic things: The FBI gets a near $600 million increase for all the good work they’ve done in the “Twitter Files” and Lord knows where else.

Concerns are now being raised by a particularly monstrous linkage between “family planning” and “biodiversity.”

Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., highlighted a “sinister” feature in the omnibus bill released on Tuesday that allocates funds for “reproductive health” in areas where “population growth threatens biodiversity.”…Bishop documented many of the examples from his Twitter account, including over half a billion dollars into “reproductive health” in places that could threaten endangered species.”On a more sinister note, here’s at least $575 million for ‘family planning’ in areas where population growth ‘threatens biodiversity.’ Malthusianism is a disturbing, anti-human ideology that should have ZERO place in any federal program,” Bishop tweeted.

Malthusianism refers to a doomsday projection that has been a touchstone of anti-humanity theories from “experts” ranging from economists to environmental activists.

Merriam-Webster defines Malthusianism as a theory by which the “population tends to increase at a faster rate than its means of subsistence and that unless it is checked by moral restraint or disaster (such as disease, famine, or war) widespread poverty and degradation inevitably result.”

The amount allocated for family planning is consistent with the amounts for previous years. It is the linkage to “biodiversity” that is troubling.

“Not less than $575,000,000 should be made available for family planning/reproductive health, including in areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or endangered species,” a draft of the omnibus reads .It’s unclear why the provision expressly notes it should go toward areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or what type of family planning services would be provided with the funding.

In bureaucratic speak, “family planning” means abortion. Likewise, “biodiversity” will mean anything the eco-activists and social justice warriors will want it to mean…and it will not be beneficial to either Americans or the rest of humanity.

Now we wait for the annual Kabuki theater of congressional budget drama for quick Christmas-season passage of a truly monstrous budget that people are too busy and distracted to notice.

Congress has until midnight Friday to pass the spending bill or a stop-gap measure to avoid a government shutdown. Perhaps a stop-gap measure would be best.

Tags: Abortion, Budget, Climate Change, Economy, Environment, Social Justice