Energy Dept. has Given Over $10 Million to Green Energy Company Connected to China ‘State-Owned Entity’

One of the most troubling aspects of Biden’s presidency is his blind devotion to green energy. From day one, Biden has treated America’s energy policy like a problem that needed to be solved and only made things worse.

Now we are learning that much like the Obama administration, Biden is playing favorites with energy companies, and at least one of them has uncomfortable ties to China.

Collin Anderson reports at the Washington Free Beacon:

Biden’s Energy Department Funnels Millions to Beijing-Backed Green Energy CompanyPresident Joe Biden’s Energy Department funneled millions of dollars to a green energy company in the months after the company partnered with a Chinese state-owned entity that it acknowledges could face business-crippling sanctions.Carbon capture company LanzaTech, federal spending disclosures show, has received more than $10 million in grant payments from the Biden administration since April 2021, when the company announced a partnership with Sinopec Capital—the clean energy investment arm of the Sinopec Group, a Chinese state-owned oil conglomerate also known as the China Petrochemical Corporation—to “debut an international market of new energy and new materials.” LanzaTech has acknowledged in SEC disclosures that its association with Sinopec, which China has used to purchase oil from U.S.-sanctioned nations such as Russia and Iran, could jeopardize its bottom line…LanzaTech’s partnership with Sinopec was not the first time the company aligned itself with a Beijing-run entity. In June 2018, LanzaTech entered into a joint venture with Chinese state-owned steel giant Shougang Group to build an ethanol plant in China’s Hubei province, one of the company’s three plants in the communist nation. LanzaTech has also raised millions from CITIC Capital, a subsidiary of China’s largest state-run conglomerate. Still, the company’s relationships with Beijing did not stop the Biden administration from sending LanzaTech millions of dollars for green energy projects such as “low-cost sustainable aviation fuel.”For Arkansas Republican senator Tom Cotton, Biden’s support for companies such as LanzaTech shows that the Democrat’s “green energy agenda is stamped with the words ‘made in China.'””Instead of handing millions of taxpayer dollars to a Chinese-backed company, the president should be encouraging American energy production and American energy independence,” Cotton told the Free Beacon.

This is more of the American last type of policy that so many of us have come to expect under Biden.

Meanwhile, as if all of this wasn’t bad enough, Biden’s Energy Department is also trying to infuse the progressive concept of ‘equity’ into energy policy. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm recently gave some remarks about breakthroughs in fusion energy. See if you can spot the buzzwords here:

The college campus-ification of America is nearly complete.

Tags: Biden Administration, Biden China, Biden Energy Policy, China, Environment