Border Crisis: Over 73,000 ‘Gotaways’ in November, Another Record High

Fox News reported that over 73,000 “gotaways” snuck by the border patrol in November, a record high.

At least 2,400 illegal immigrants avoided the border patrol every day in November.

The “gotaways” are illegal immigrants “detected by other forms of surveillance but not caught.” The number does not include “those who are not spotted.”

President Joe Biden’s administration has seen record numbers at the border since January 2021, and none of them are worth celebrating.

The fiscal Year (FY) 2023 began on October 1. There have already been 137,000 gotaways this fiscal year.

FY2022 had 600,000 gotaways.

FY2021 had 389,155 gotaways.

The report Fox News read also said border patrol agents encountered 207,000 migrants.

November 2022 encounters? 174,000. November 2021? 72,113.

A border patrol agent explained why the numbers keep growing: “No support. No backup. No leadership.”

The numbers show the Biden administration will keep setting records in FY2023.

A court overruling Title 42 might make the problem worse. The government used Title 42 “to expel a majority of migrants” because of COVID.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Vice President Kamala Harris, also the border czar, keep repeating that the border is secure.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer finally admitted the end game out loud: “We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future is if we welcome immigrants… get a path to citizenship for all 11 million [illegal immigrants].”

Schumer might not get his way even though the Democrats will keep control of the Senate.

Arizona Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema, Montana Sen. Jon Tester, and New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan demanded answers from Mayorkas about how the administration will handle the end of Title 42 and a possible migrant surge.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, who might become speaker when the new Congress convenes, told Mayorkas to resign or face possible impeachment.

“He cannot and must not remain in that position,” said McCarthy during a border visit. “If Secretary Mayorkas does not resign, House Republicans will investigate every order, every action, and every failure. We’ll determine whether we can begin an impeachment inquiry.”

Tags: Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, DHS