Biden Won’t Go to the Border Because ‘There are More Important Things Going On’
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Biden Won’t Go to the Border Because ‘There are More Important Things Going On’

Biden Won’t Go to the Border Because ‘There are More Important Things Going On’

The Border Patrol is not happy.

President Joe Biden is visiting Arizona today to tour a Taiwan Semiconductor plant in Phoenix.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed he had no plans to visit the border on Monday.

This morning, Fox News’s Peter Doocy asked Biden why he won’t go to the border. The answer won’t shock you:

BIDEN: “Because there are more important things going on. They’re going to invest billions of dollars in a new enterprise.”

More important things going on?

The Border Patrol has thoughts.


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Biden and his Socialist puppet masters want a breakdown of the country’s sovereignty through a porous border.

You’d think he would have the decency to come up with some sort of plausible excuse, but nooooooo, not him!

And Kamala is worse than useless. Like worrying about abortions in the beasts that protest the defeat of Roe v. Wade.

Why WOULD he go to the border.

Bitch McConnell and his faithful crew of RINOs are about to sell us out in the lame duck session with their newest amnesty crap.

Biden is getting absolutely everything he wants out of the border, why would he go there?

    Paula in reply to Olinser. | December 6, 2022 at 4:26 pm

    He was going to go to the border to pick up a couple of fentanyl filled coconuts for Hunter’s stocking—but Hunter prefers cocaine.

nordic prince | December 6, 2022 at 1:21 pm

“I can’t go to the border; I’ve got a country to ruin! ”

(No typo)

Unlike a Taiwanese semiconductor plant, Biden hasn’t figured out how to bleed the border for his 10%.

BIDEN: Because there are more important things going on.

REPORTER: How about next week?

BIDEN: Same thing.

REPORTER: How about next year?

BIDEN: Same ol’ same ol’.

REPORTER: How about——

BIDEN: I’m not going there!!! Okay?

Just tell him the best ice cream shop in the southwest is at the border. And it specializes in his favorite flavors!

OK, KJP, I’ll play along.

Let’s look at The Constitution, shall we, and the responsibilities of the Federal Government as specifically enumerated there. What’s going on, that the Federal Government has any business in, that is more important than ensuring the security of our national border?

Also bear in mind that an able-minded POTUS should be able to juggle a multitude of issues at one time.

So please, rank order these ‘important things’ for us, will you?

BierceAmbrose | December 6, 2022 at 2:03 pm

When they show you who they are, believe them.

This has moved beyond governmental ineptitude and squarely into purposeful spite.

The pedophile won’t go there because if he did, the press pool would have to follow him, and they can’t have that kind of news going on.

    Stuytown in reply to Ironclaw. | December 7, 2022 at 8:27 am

    But the press can put on a “Mostly peaceful protests” spin as immigrants stream across the border on camera. They are good like that.

Steven Brizel | December 6, 2022 at 4:13 pm

If a family relative had a fatal OD, would he be so cavalier?

The arrogance of this corrupt traitor – he knows the media will completely protect him.

Biden: “Dammit, where’s my 4 o’clock pudding cup? I need it! IT’S IMPORTANT!”