Republicans Take the House Majority After Mike Garcia Holds CA-27
Garcia clinched the 218th seat needed for the majority.
CA-27 incumbent Republican Rep. Mike Garcia held his seat with a victory over Democrat challenger Christy Smith, 54.2% to 45.8%.
Garcia won a special election after Democrat Rep. Katie Hill resigned in 2019, thus flipping the seat and making it the first time the GOP flipped a California seat since 1998. It stays in the GOP’s hands.
Garcia beat Smith in that 2019 special election. The district was redrawn with a slight Democratic advantage.
The Republicans poured more money into his campaign, which helped:
Mr. Garcia, who campaigned on improving the economy and national security and confronting crime, had rarely broken ranks with Republicans during the current Congress. He opposed Democrats’ huge pandemic relief measure and a bipartisan infrastructure investment measure. But over the summer, he joined 46 other Republicans in voting for the Respect for Marriage Act, which would federally recognize same-sex and interracial marriage.
Garcia’s win gives Republicans 218 seats, the number needed to have the majority in the House.
Thank you, California conservatives, for doing this!
FOX NEWS: "Republicans have gained a 218th seat — and now control the House of Representatives" 🇺🇸
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 17, 2022
Nancy Pelosi has officially been fired!
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) November 16, 2022
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Our silver lining.
Let us not squander it.
It’s already squandered:
Mitch McConnell Wins Re-Election as Senate Minority Leader:
Oh God, I guess we deserve this
Why do they insist on Bad and Worse as the only options for house leadership?
Then back Trump, like the future of your country depended on it.
Trump/DeSantis in 2024, or be happy with Harris/Fetterman
Just stop it. DeSantis will not run on a Trump ticket, and if he does, he immediately loses his support.
Trump can’t win in 2024 or did you miss his endorsement record in blue and purple swing districts and states? He couldn’t even get Dr. Oz over the line against a guy who can’t talk.
Because you’ve spoken to DeSantis? Look, Trump/DeSantis would be a great ticket for President because that right there is SIXTEEN fucking years of ass fucking Democrats where it hurts! Right in their LGBT supporting ring pieces.
That’s a nice sentiment, but they’ve already gone and put the same losers that got us there back in the same places they failed last time.
how can the legalization of sodomy be called “respect for marriage”? And what can we expect from a Republican who endorses it?
How about firing ronna ROMNEY mcdanial for starters?
A little early. There are seats still out [CO-3 comes to mind, with the counting halted since last Friday. Republican Lauren Boebert was ahead by 1022 votes, but they have had time to print more.] and there are plenty of RINO’s in the House who would love to save the Democrats.
Subotai Bahadur
Yes we need more just to hold.
Recounts, scandals, defections, RINOs and the occasional untimely death.
let us start doing onto Dems what they have done onto us.
That would require having the WH in r hands which we most certainly do not. Control of the Senate wouldn’t hurt but either but unfortunately in the next Congress the d/prog will also maintain control of the Senate.
Gotta run all the way through the tape and be sworn in. Fighting isn’t enough. Only winning the fights is acceptable, everything else is failure.
Beware the lame duck Congress right now. I predict votes on amnesty, abortion and gun control. The 12 GOP senators that joined the Dems on the passage of a bill protecting same sex and inter-racial marriage (why needed??) reversing the Clinton passed protection of marriage law is the first glimpse of the next two months. I see these GOP types going along with Dem to “clear away the rancor of these divisive issues and move ahead together with the needed business of the country”.
Take that to the bank. Not only is the footing tenuous next term but all may be lost right now. The value of a third party is to leverage the present system. If the system going forward solidifies one party rule then nothing is benefited by staying in the GOP or forming a third party. The Left plays chess, the GOP plays pong.
Maybe so and I fear you are correct to some degree about the lame duck session.
The unfortunate reality is the representation in DC today and in the next Congress is a reflection of the choices made by the voters in those 435 Congressional Districts and our 50 States.
Just as ‘academic mismatch’ exists where Colleges accept students who’s academic profile doesn’t match the academic rigor of the College. These Colleges do so claiming a justification of diversity. Then after admission these sup par students either fail out or switch majors to the least challenging coursework.
The same holds true for candidate selection. It’s one thing thing to run a full throated ‘election denier’ candidate in a deep red CD or State. Quite another thing in a purple or blue CD or State. The midterms bear this out. Not a single candidate in a Swing(purple) CD or State who made 2020 election fraud a core issue of their campaign achieved victory.
That there was a good deal of shenanigans and chicanery in 2020 is beyond doubt. The problem is the voters we need to pull the lever for us in the purple/swing CD and States don’t rate that issue as highly as we do. We can keep yelling about it but these otherwise up for grabs voters don’t want to hear about anymore.
Yes, all politics is local.
I have come to a startling conclusion: about half the nation is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
More to the point: half the nation does not hold the same ideals. Approximately half does not pay income tax, so downward adjustments of the rates does nothing for them. Same with tax-things like capital gains; they don’t live in a world where those things come into play– at least they don’t think they do. They think money just happens, so they see no downside to the Feds passing out checks; they have no concept of the source of those checks, out wallets. Those who do, don’t care.because it comes from rich people.
They are not into deferred gratification, so getting rich themselves by hard work and sacrifice is not on their radar.
You have to convince those people to give up what they hold dear — free sh!t — to win.
it’s not really about money and income. I know a lot of rich people with second homes who also think this way.
no, they’re just stupid. There’s actually no such thing as “Stockholm Syndrome”, a term invented by a third rate psychologist to describe one event involving four women who were held hostage by bank robbers.
The deadwood keeps hanging on, however. Term limits are therefore a necessity, as much as election reform.
It was too much to expect that the complete transformation from woke would occur so fast, especially with the choke hold of elites that fear populist democrats and individual liberty, and who will go to most any lengths, ignorantly believing they are saving the world.
The world needs to be saved from them. Especially unmarried women and gen z, so easily manipulated, and others that have grown to accept the taste of crap.
Do you mean term limits for positions in the GOP caucus? They tried those in the Gingrich era but it didn’t last.
Term limits for congress are unconstitutional, so you’d need to amend the constitution. Good luck getting that through both houses of congress, packed with congressmen who’d be directly affected, and then through 38 state legislatures, all of whose members would be inviting demands to term limit them too.
218 is the bare minimum. And death lurks us all, even members of Congress.
As does the dreaded linguini-spine syndrome.
Which may or may not (scientists are still studying) result from extended close contact with the #RulingClass.
You think the Republican House will help Americas political prisoners?
That would be a probably HUGE NO
Kevin McCarthy will be like a an inexperienced school teacher with a wild class. Remember how he froze on January 6?
Yeah, it was eerily like the way Trump froze when faced with covid. Weird how that inexperienced school teacher comparison applies so aptly elsewhere.
If you don’t like the mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and other assorted measures the Dems insisted on during covid, there is only one person to blame: Trump. He was president in 2020. He wanted to open by Easter, which would have precluded all the “cheats” you guys complain about, but he chose to take a knee to the media, to Fauci, to Birx. He did that.
No one else, just Trump. Indeed, governors like Kemp and DeSantis ignored Trump’s public statements attempting to shame and bully them, and they did what they knew best . . . and were vindicated for those choices by “science” and then rewarded for keeping their states free with decisive reelection wins. You know who would be president TODAY if Trump hadn’t caved to the Branch Covidians? Trump.
It doesn’t help that the completely ineffective “vaccines” Trump touted and pushed through without thorough testing are now widely understood to cause great harm to people (heart problems, mainly, especially in young boys and men, but many others). He wanted to help, I do know that, but you can’t cut corners like that, no matter the pressure, it’s wrong, unethical, and wrong. The vax push was an establishment hoax, and Trump was right at the start of it and played the role of head cheerleader. I’m not happy about that. And yes, that makes Trump establishment. As does his endorsement of McCarthy for Speaker. But, hey, I’m sure that’s all explained away by the Trump or deathers. Somehow.
None of that seems to show up when the cultists are touting his “accomplishments”
“…are now widely understood to cause great harm to people (heart problems, mainly, especially in young boys and men, but many others).”
But not known then. If the companies are telling you the vaccines are safe and effective what are you going to do? This looks like Monday Morning Quarterbacking to me. It’s easy to point the finger after the fact but at that time people were in a panic, caused mostly by the corporate press and “experts” and were demanding a vaccine. I sure didn’t take one because it wasn’t tested properly but most of America did and still are.
But let’s not forget that although Trump took the lead in creating the vaccines – which everyone, and I mean everyone, considered the correct thing to do – he had absolutely no part in the subsequent federal government strategy to out and out force people into taking them.
You Trump apologists and defenders seem to have not noticed that Trump is STILL promoting those poisonous jabs, which means that you have no excuse – and neither does he.
I’m not sure that is entirely fair, Fuzzy. Trump was like everyone else at that point in that he had no real idea what was going on so deferred to people that were supposed to know and used their advice. I don’t really fault him for that, I do fault him for not firing Fauci&Co later in the year when it became clear the malignant little gnome was lying to everyone
No amnesty for the Fauchi Fascists, the Branch Covidians nor those who enabled them.
What did you expect him to do when EVERY fucking arsehole was all in on the lockdown bus? He was the lone voice to get States to open while people like you were hiding in your mommas basement.
Give it a rest, your hatred of OMG is almost like he’s living rent free in that peanut you call a brain.
I live in free Florida, so no hiding around here. Well, the first few months were weird because no one really knew what was going on, so I did wear a mask when I went out for a few months and was crazy about washing my hands, not touching my face, etc. It didn’t matter, though, since I still got the WuFLu. But as data rolled in, we all stopped masking around here, our restaurants opened back up even though there was a lockdown “suggestion” from DeSantis, it was never enforced, nor were any other mandates. In fact, when DeSantis didn’t listen to any of the f’ing arseholes you mention and did what he believed to be right, he did not permit any business or municipality to fine people for not masking (and later for not vaxxing).
It’s weird because in a way I feel like I really didn’t have the same pandemic experience as people in other states. I haven’t worn a mask anywhere for any reason since early ’20. Actually, I take that back, I think they had a sign up at the Registry of Motor vehicles when I went to renew my driver’s license that fall. I wore one then because that’s what you do when there’s a sign at the RMV. We all just ignored the signs on stores, though, heh. But still, that was 2020. Haven’t worn one since. It’s hard not to stop and stare at tourists in masks, but you try hard because staring is rude.
Anyway, I think our experience here in free Florida very much colors our view of Trump’s covid response. We know how it could have gone for the whole nation because we lived it.
Seriously, your medical establishments didn’t force you to wear masks long after any logical excuse to require it? Or is it that unlike us old fogies, you don’t frequent medical offices as a general thing? Yesterday was the first time since COVID that I’ve been to any medical office anywhere that didn’t immediately demand I mask up on my way in the door.
Those of who live in States and jurisdictions where the Branch Covidians were soundly rejected have different experience.
Some folks wore masks, the majority didn’t. The crazy Covid Karens? They were the exception and by and large got told to STFU.
Many of us looked on in amazement as folks in other States and jurisdictions allowed the Fauchi Fascists to rampage nearly unimpeded.
An interesting question would be how closely does the level of Covid Crazy in a given State or CD track with midterm voting results. I suspect that the more willing the public was to comply with mandates/ restrictions the less successful r candidates were.
I’m just cynical enough to think neither Trump or members of his family are vaccinated. Any photo-op pics – if there are any; I don’t know – are saline injections.
I also don’t believe most members of congress are, either.
I don’t know or have any way to know, but I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if this were true. It was/is an experimental “vaccine” (and not really a vaccine at all, as evidenced by the new definition of the word), so I sure wouldn’t be lining up to take it if there were some way around it.
We know Newsom got the jab because of the complications. As for the national guys…I truly doubt that and I heard a lot of IVM and HCQ was prescribed.
The R’s better not irritate the Hildebeast. That could be fatal. For the individual and our country.
On the contrary. They need to stop rolling over and showing their belly to that drunken, broken-down old crone.
Given how rarely Republicans hold to the party line a bare majority won’t stop the Democrat legislative agenda.
I hope first off they release all January 6 videos, all emails between politicians and drag Ray Epps and cohorts up on the witness stand
I’d sure like to see those video tapes Nancy is hiding and also those emails to set the record straight.
They are long gone.
Same as all the ivideo and body cam footage pertaining to Big Pauii’s various escapades
Question for Mrs Fuzzy Slippers…
What do you think of Nikki Haley? Think she will make a good nominee?
A minority ×2 with good experience and a great debater. No mean tweets and a successful backstory.
I’m not a fan of Haley. I didn’t think much of her agreeing to the removal of Civil War monuments when she was governor. You never ever give progressives an inch because they will come back for the mile every single time. As we saw happen. Everyone, including Haley, laughed when Trump told us that they’d be coming for George Washington and Lincoln next. But that’s exactly what happened. She’s an appeaser.
I also didn’t think much of her bashing Trump over J6 and then backing down on that. If she really thought he was awful, then that doesn’t change because no one agrees with her. Her then trying to get a meeting with him after publicly bashing him was just embarrassing. She has no principles or ethics.
I would definitely not vote for her in a GOP primary (and she’ll have a hard time running, anyway, since she is one of the ones who boxed herself in by saying she wouldn’t run in ’24 if Trump did . . . another stupid move). But once the dust settles and there’s a candidate running against Biden (or Harris or Newsom), then I will be voting for the Republican.
I’m on the fence with her. As a SC resident I’ve watched her closely and I do admire her debate style. Her turning on Trump has not set well with the rest of the deplorables here. Lindsey Graham made an appearance at a July 4 celebration of freedom event here in Columbia and received a tepid response when introduced, and crickets when he brought up the Supreme Court. I’m thinking she may be in the same boat.
Hard pass. Haley is a creature of the establishment.
Mark Sanford in drag?
Not that bad. She doesn’t exactly hide who she is or what she does. She puts it out there then chooses to wrap her arms around a less controversial issue to try and triangulate.
Haley is a worthless RINO
Parallel topic: I was just watching Clay Higgins rip Mayorkas apart. We need an alpha male like that in the Speakership.
You mean he might have been immoderate in tone while speaking to a dedicated government official?!?
Well I never! Tsk tsk!
That’s not what I heard…! (Groucho eyebrow flutter)
Looks like California Republicans ballot harvesting saved the House for the GOP.