Pelosi: ‘I Will Not Seek Reelection to Democratic Leadership in the Next Congress’
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Pelosi: ‘I Will Not Seek Reelection to Democratic Leadership in the Next Congress’

Pelosi: ‘I Will Not Seek Reelection to Democratic Leadership in the Next Congress’

Current House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is also stepping down from Democratic leadership.

Current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced she would not seek reelection to Democratic leadership.

The announcement comes a day after the Republicans secured the majority for the next Congress.

After listing all the proof that our government is too big and bloated, Pelosi officially stepped down after 20 years in leadership.

In 2018, Pelosi promised to back term limits for those in Democratic leadership to get the votes to make her Speaker again.

That would mean she wouldn’t lead the Democrats after 2022.

However, in 2021, probably thinking Democrats cannot be stopped, sources said Pelosi mulled over the possibility of seeking leadership after 2022 despite the promise.

I wonder if Republicans squeaking out a majority for the next Congress made her keep her promise.

Current House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer also chose to step down from Democratic leadership.

Hoyer is backing House Democrats Chairman Hakeem Jeffries for Democratic leader.


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Not enough.
She has used her position to enrich herself and her family for decades.
And insider trading is only the least of her crimes.
She belongs in prison.

Should that have been worded “I will not seek nor will I accept the nomination of your party….” Why leave when there are no consequences for your actions?

This should free up her schedule in case she wants to do some “day drinking” and celebrate her good work before moving to FL or Italy.

Hmmm, the hammer got dropped on her.

Three cycles later than it should have been, thanks to The Feckless R’s.

Retired in Chicago | November 17, 2022 at 2:37 pm

I’m giddy, absolutely giddy to see her go.

From house wife to House wrecker.

She’s also twitting up a storm about her / their “accomplishments.”

Election performance.
Lots of new members of the right kinds.
Supporting the president’s agenda.

Claims of “progress” in the usual areas, without measures, or reason why what they did is “progress.” “Hey, we passed a bill with ‘infrastructure’ in the title. Woo-hoo!” Yeah, how many better bridges? Inflation reduction — spending increase by another name — did what?

She does pledge to use “leverge” to obstruct those other guys.

Not a log of “government for the people” or results on the ground there. I suppose, when they tell you what they think is important; believe them. And if you think other things are important, vote in someone who agrees with you.

“I know I won’t be re-elected so I won’t seek re-election.” Well, duh!

What do Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have in common? Neither have had sex with their husbands in the last 35 years.

Well, that explains the hammer attack.

Full investigation of that witch’s dealings while in Congress including ethics probes and subpoena’s. Testify under oath, Nance about all those well timed stock trades

One Democrat is interchangeable with another on just about every issue besides Israel. Unfortunately this changes nothing.

Now if only McConnell and McCarthy and McDaniels would resign after the bad showing.

Will she receive a new broom to fly back home on?

Without the leadership position, will she still be able to jet back and forth to California on the taxpayer dime on the private jet with all the booze that she wants?