De-Transitioned Transgendered Teen Suing Doctors Who Provided “Gender Affirming” Treatments

Legal Insurrection readers may recall my post on Florida medical boards banning “gender-affirming” treatment for children under 18.

During the hearings weighing the ban, one of the most moving statements came from Chloe Cole, who began detransitioning at 16 and is battling the push for “gender affirming care” for minors. Cole noted that she was very feminine as a young girl, but exposure to the internet and leftist victim-glamorizing helped mislead her to opting for the surgeries and treatments.

She is now suing the doctors who provided the treatments.

Chloe Cole said she launched legal action against the doctors to hold them ‘accountable’ for removing her breasts and pumping her full of puberty blockers.The 18-year-old also told how she was ‘devastated’ by the operation and fears she will now never be able to bear children.She transitioned to a male aged 13 after telling her parents she was ‘distressed’ with her gender and consulting medical professionals.Cole, from Central Valley in California, had the life-changing surgery when she was just 15, before regretting it and de-transitioning a year later.Now she said she was suing the doctors who performed on her and slammed them for letting a child make such a important decision.

Cole’s goal is to attack the practice through lawfare.

“I want to hold the adults that put me in harm’s way accountable because what happened to me is horrible, but it also didn’t only happen to me, that’s the worst part. It’s happening to children all over the U.S., all over the West, and it’s spreading all over the world,” she said. “I want to be able to create a precedent for other people who have been in my situation to find justice themselves.”Attorney Harmeet Dhillon outlined the case against the doctors, telling host Tucker Carlson they are bringing forth a medical malpractice suit. Cole is being represented by non-profit organization the Center for American Liberty. “Our website at has the letter, a very detailed letter that details all of the medical symptoms that Chloe has and the medical malpractice. And frankly, the mutilation that was perpetrated by these medical professionals,” Dhillon said.