WI Dem Sen. Candidate Mandela Barnes Praised Dictators, Compared Black Republicans to Slaves in Past Tweets

Why do the Democrats accuse Republicans of getting cozy with dictators worldwide? Rhetorical question.

I will never forget Pelosi visiting Assad in Syria when she first became Speaker of the House.

Wisconsin Democrat Senate candidate Mandela Barnes has a history of posting anti-American tweets, praising dictators, comparing black Republicans to slaves, and defunding the police and ICE.

Barnes has also made numerous appearances on Russia Today, a Russian propaganda station.

From The Washington Free Beacon:

On Jan. 1, 2015, Barnes applauded a Twitter post by Khamenei that slammed the U.S. government over slavery.”The issue of US govt oppression against blacks is a 100s year-old issue,” wrote Khamenei, adding the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.Barnes “liked” Khamenei’s post on Twitter and responded to the Iranian leader: “The first tweet of 2015 from @khamenei_ir is #BlackLivesMatter. Let that sink in. May This be a most wonderful year for you and yours.”

In 2017, Barnes compared black musician Tina Campbell to a slave because she supported Trump.

Barnes also bragged he did not “accept” David Clarke, the former Milwaukee sheriff, “as black” because he is conservative.

Barnes didn’t praise Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, but he wanted to become the “Dennis Rodman” of the conflict between America and Syria. Rodman has traveled to North Korea many times to, I guess, establish peace with the Communist kingdom:

Barnes also wrote several posts opposing any U.S. effort to oust Syrian president Bashar al-Assad in 2013, while the embattled dictator was massacring his own people and using chemical weapons.”I’d like to pull a Rodman next. I should have hopped that fence to Syria when I had the chance,” wrote Barnes on April 9, 2013, a few weeks after Assad’s regime carried out a deadly Sarin gas attack against its opposition.He also opposed efforts by the United States to aid the Syrian opposition after Assad’s use of chemical weapons.”Seeing school administrators plead for more state aid, but seeing that our country is able to send weapons to Syria makes me more anti war,” wrote Barnes in June 2013.

Barnes said something similar about Saddam Hussein: “when you drop cookies, you get crumbs everywhere. Then you gotta get a vacuum, and that’s what happened when we removed Saddam.”

Barnes tweeted that he wanted to find a job at the U.S. embassy in Cuba. At a Civil Rights discussion, he admitted his father wanted to name him Muammar after the Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi.

In a recent ad, Barnes insisted he never said he wanted to defund the police and abolish ICE.

CNN, yes CNN, found past social media activity and comments that contradicted the ad:

In multiple posts from 2018 uncovered by CNN, Barnes liked tweets that criticized the immigration agency and called to abolish them. He told a group that supported abolishing the institution in 2019 that the “wrong ICE” was melting and attended one of their “Abolish ICE” local rallies.This week, Barnes pushed back on attacks on his record on criminal justice and crime, saying he wouldn’t be “lectured on crime” by Republicans, citing the January 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol in which more than 100 police officers reported injuries.—Though Barnes has never outright embraced the “defund the police” slogan, he has on numerous occasions said he supports redirecting or decreasing police funding – even before the slogan gained popularity in 2020 following the murder of George Floyd by police.In one 2020 interview reviewed by CNN, Barnes told a local Wisconsin public radio show that funding should go to social workers and a “crisis intervener or a violence interrupter,” instead of police.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Democrats, US Senate, Wisconsin