The Democrat/Media Smear Machine Comes for Herschel Walker in Georgia Senate Race

In the race for U.S. Senate in Georgia, Herschel Walker was making significant gains in polls up until about a week ago. Democrats and their media allies sharpened their claws and came after Walker, hammering him with negative news stories, and unfortunately, it has affected his poll numbers.

Raphael Warnock now has a 3.8 point lead in the Real Clear Politics average of polls.

According to NBC News, neither candidate wants to talk about the allegations:

Abortion bombshell rocks Georgia Senate race. Neither candidate wants to discuss it.Another shoe dropped in the unfolding drama involving Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker when The Daily Beast reported Wednesday that the ex-girlfriend whose abortion he is alleged to have paid for in 2009 is also the mother of one of his four children.But the next day, neither candidate wanted to talk about it.Walker, who supports a ban on abortion without any exceptions, issued another blanket denial when asked about The Daily Beast’s reporting Thursday, telling reporters after a campaign event in Wadley: “The abortion thing is false. It’s a lie.”“The Democrats are desperate for this seat. This seat is important. They’re very desperate for this seat,” Walker said.His Democratic opponent, Sen. Raphael Warnock, sidestepped two questions from NBC News here about whether he believes Walker’s denials and whether he thinks Georgians can trust Walker. Warnock then pivoted to his support for abortion rights, saying, “The people of Georgia need a senator who will stand with women.”

Herschel Walker is right. Democrats are desperate to hold on to this seat. And Raphael Warnock doesn’t need to discuss the allegations. He has the entire media to do that for him.

Matt Vespa of Townhall reminds us that Warnock has plenty of issues of his own:

Friendly Reminder: Raphael Warnock Is Still a Nasty Piece of WorkGeorgia Republican Senate Candidate Herschel Walker has been hit with a public relations event that the liberal media will eat up and create consternation among establishment Republicans. The latter groups will lecture about candidate quality again though their slate of candidates has virtually lost all their primaries. Walker will be raked over the coals as some heinous being, though have we forgotten that incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock is no saint? If we’re going to discuss character here—Warnock is hot garbage…What Walker did—allegedly pay for a girlfriend’s abortion—isn’t a scandal, but since the Left changes the definition of words daily, let’s play their game here. Warnock has a lengthy and sordid history of being a horrible human being. Warnock’s ex-wife alleges that he neglected to pay child support and allegedly conducted a sustained campaign of harassment during what appears to be a nasty custody battle; he had subpoenaed her college transcripts.

Matthew Foldi, formerly of the Washington Free Beacon, compiled a thread about Warnock’s baggage:

GOP Senators Tom Cotton and Rick Scott are rallying to Walker’s defense.

FOX News reports:

Sens Rick Scott, Tom Cotton to stump for Walker after abortion payment accusation: ‘I’m on Herschel’s team’Sen. Rick Scott, the chair of the Senate GOP’s election arm, and Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., will travel to Georgia for a Tuesday event supporting Herschel Walker, the first major campaign stop following accusations that the Republican Senate nominee paid for an ex-girlfriend’s abortion a decade ago.Walker has denied that he paid $700 a woman to get an abortion or had a child with her, and further reports have alleged that he encouraged the woman to have a second abortion, which she refused to do. But as the accusations trickle in, Republicans have rallied around Walker as he runs to defeat incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock in a crucial midterm race that could determine whether the GOP retakes control of the Senate.”The Democrats want to destroy this country, and they will try to destroy anyone who gets in their way,” Scott, the junior senator from Florida and chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, told Fox News Digital in a statement…The Walker campaign event is scheduled to take place Tuesday afternoon in Carrollton, Georgia.

Senate Republicans also hit Warnock in a new ad:

I’ll leave you with this clip from Dana Loesch. She makes a compelling case. Listen to the whole thing.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Democrats, Georgia, Herschel Walker, Raphael Warnock, Republicans, US Senate