Report: DHS Still Trying to ‘Police Disinformation’, Pressure Big Tech to Play Along
Big Brother is literally watching you.

Did anyone believe the Department of Homeland Security would stop after it disbanded the “Disinformation Governance Board” that would have police disinformation?
Of course, they found a way around it. The Intercept received documents and emails that “illustrate an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms.”
But The Intercept could not find a concrete definition of disinformation from DHS.
1984: “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’”
DHS officials have tried to pressure big tech to bend the knee (emphasis mine):
Behind closed doors, and through pressure on private platforms, the U.S. government has used its power to try to shape online discourse. According to meeting minutes and other records appended to a lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, a Republican who is also running for Senate, discussions have ranged from the scale and scope of government intervention in online discourse to the mechanics of streamlining takedown requests for false or intentionally misleading information.
“Platforms have got to get comfortable with gov’t. It’s really interesting how hesitant they remain,” a DHS official texted a representative from Microsoft in February.
In a March meeting, Laura Dehmlow, an FBI official, warned that the threat of subversive information on social media could undermine support for the U.S. government. Dehmlow, according to notes of the discussion attended by senior executives from Twitter and JPMorgan Chase, stressed that “we need a media infrastructure that is held accountable.”
FBI agent Laura Dehmlow was in communications w Facebook that led to the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 over the false allegation that it was “disinfo.” This year, she met w/ Twitter/DHS to stress “we need a media infrastructure that is held accountable.”
— Lee Fang (@lhfang) October 31, 2022
DHS officials have their own “special Facebook portal” so they can “flag content on Facebook or Instagram and request that it be throttled or suppressed.”
No wonder my meme posts get flagged all the time. I figured Big Brother was always watching but dang. 1984 is truly real life.
Also, the government is a pro of the saying, “Give them an inch, they’ll go a mile.”
President Donald Trump’s DHS formed the wing Countering Foreign Influence Task Force:
In 2018, then-DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen created the Countering Foreign Influence Task Force to respond to election disinformation. The task force, which included members of CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency] as well as its Office of Intelligence and Analysis, generated “threat intelligence” about the election and notified social media platforms and law enforcement. At the same time, DHS began notifying social media companies about voting-related disinformation appearing on social platforms.
In 2019, DHS created a separate entity called the Foreign Influence and Interference Branch to generate more detailed intelligence about disinformation, the inspector general report shows. That year, its staff grew to include 15 full- and part-time staff dedicated to disinformation analysis. In 2020, the disinformation focus expanded to include Covid-19, according to a Homeland Threat Assessment issued by Acting Secretary Chad Wolf.
But the whole disinformation hype went up in the 2020 election. The DHS’s Quadrennial Homeland Security report explains the “department’s strategy and priorities in the coming years.”
These items include “the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine.”
The officials admit that they want to target “marginalized communities” because they think those people “are often the targets of false or misleading information, such as false information on voting procedures targeting people of color.”
The Intercept brought up Hunter Biden’s laptop, which Mark Zuckerberg admitted the FBI and other officials came to him about potential Russian propaganda coming to light. So Facebook and Twitter suppressed the story (emphasis mine):
Documents filed in federal court as part of a lawsuit by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana add a layer of new detail to Zuckerberg’s anecdote, revealing that officials leading the push to expand the government’s reach into disinformation also played a quiet role in shaping the decisions of social media giants around the New York Post story.
According to records filed in federal court, two previously unnamed FBI agents — Elvis Chan, an FBI special agent in the San Francisco field office, and Dehmlow, the section chief of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force — were involved in high-level communications that allegedly “led to Facebook’s suppression” of the Post’s reporting.
But the FBI and DHS also went after obvious dummy and parody accounts, too:
During the 2020 election, the Department of Homeland Security, in an email to an official at Twitter, forwarded information about a potential threat to critical U.S. infrastructure, citing FBI warnings, in this case about an account that could imperil election system integrity.
The Twitter user in question had 56 followers, along with a bio that read “dm us your weed store locations (hoes be mad, but this is a parody account),” under a banner image of Blucifer, the 32-foot-tall demonic horse sculpture featured at the entrance of the Denver International Airport.
“We are not sure if there’s any action that can be taken, but we wanted to flag them for consideration,” wrote a state official on the email thread, forwarding on other examples of accounts that could be confused with official government entities. The Twitter representative responded: “We will escalate. Thank you.”
Each email in the chain carried a disclaimer that the agency “neither has nor seeks the ability to remove or edit what information is made available on social media platforms.”
Of course, all of this has gone off the charts in Biden’s administration (emphasis mine):
Biden also prioritized such efforts. Last year, the Biden administration released the first National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. The strategy identified a “broader priority: enhancing faith in government and addressing the extreme polarization, fueled by a crisis of disinformation and misinformation often channeled through social media platforms, which can tear Americans apart and lead some to violence.”
“We are working with like-minded governments, civil society, and the technology sector to address terrorist and violent extremist content online, including through innovative research collaborations,” the strategy document continued, adding that the administration was “addressing the crisis of disinformation and misinformation, often channeled through social and other media platforms, that can fuel extreme polarization and lead some individuals to violence.”
Last year, a top FBI counterterrorism official came under fire when she falsely denied to Congress that the FBI monitors Americans’ social media and had therefore missed threats leading up to the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. In fact, the FBI has spent millions of dollars on social media tracking software like Babel X and Dataminr. According to the bureau’s official guidelines, authorized activities include “proactively surfing the Internet to find publicly accessible websites and services through which recruitment by terrorist organizations and promotion of terrorist crimes is openly taking place.”
Former ACLU president Nadine Strossen is correct: “If a foreign authoritarian government sent these messages, there is no doubt we would call it censorship.”
I wonder if the ACLU will do or say anything.
The government uses terrorism to justify its actions. Always. It’s always terrorism and hiding true intentions with wars and now viruses:
In 2004, for instance, DHS officials faced pressure from the George W. Bush administration to heighten the national threat level for terrorism, in a bid to influence voters prior to the election, according to former DHS Secretary Tom Ridge. U.S. officials have routinely lied about an array of issues, from the causes of its wars in Vietnam and Iraq to their more recent obfuscation around the role of the National Institutes of Health in funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s coronavirus research.
How about this from 1984: “At the apex of the pyramid comes Big Brother. Big Brother is infallible and all-powerful. Every success, every achievement, every victory, every scientific discovery, all knowledge, all wisdom, all happiness, all virtue, are held to issue directly from his leadership and inspiration.”

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Perhaps, it’s time to stop all Big Tech/Media for 30 days before each and every election
But then they won’t be able to identify infractions of the Biden admin’s newly created category of federal crime — ‘election crimes’.
Defined as misinformation, disinformation, or mal-information that could affect who voters vote for.
An Orwellian crime.
And all polls and media prognostications (not to mention the fake chirons like Lake just experienced).
Not a single report on the “projected winner” until the last ballot box in Hawaii (Guam?) closes. Not one.
Does an organized, and sanctioned by the White House, federal government effort to censor political speech and those who disagree with its policies and assertions of fact rise to the level of impeachment McCarthy? McConnell? Or nah?
Nevermind that you don’t have the votes in the Senate. That doesn’t matter. Exposing in the most visible manner possible an impeachable offense is what matters. The people will decide in 2024 whether they care about the Biden admin’s censorship of political opposition and those who disagree with its policies.
Two things come to mind:
First, every single thing they want to do is illegal.
Second, every one of the snip-happy censors mentioned here are women.
Worth noting, the two individuals that worked with FB to block the Hunter Biden laptop story contributed to Dems in 2020. You can find this info on the FEC’s website.
“In a March meeting, Laura Dehmlow, an FBI official, warned that the threat of subversive information on social media could undermine support for the U.S. government. Dehmlow, according to notes of the discussion attended by senior executives from Twitter and JPMorgan Chase, stressed that ‘we need a media infrastructure that is held accountable.'”
Accountable to political hacks like you, Laura?
I think Dehmlow is the true subversive.
#DHSLeaks is trending on Twitter. Big time.
People are posting this is bigger than Watergate.
No doubt in my mind that if Elon had not taken over last week the former Twitter PTB would be suppressing it. No doubt the fascist Biden admin would want this news suppressed. Especially right before an election.
Just as the news about Hunter’s laptop was suppressed in 2020. By the same people colluding with the admin now to suppress ‘disinformation’.
This is why the owners of Sparta Report shut down at the end of 2020- everyone knew Homeland would go after free speech and target those who did not toe the party line.
“I wonder if the ACLU will do or say anything.”
I doubt it. If it doesn’t involve trannies, releasing criminals from prison or fighting for illegal aliens, then the ACLU isn’t interested.
You forgot abortion, because nothings says ‘protecting civil liberties’ like staving in a baby’s skull, sucking it’s brains out and dismembering it.
Here’s Janey!
People… persons seeking wombs… rooms with informed consent, safe sanctuary, and shared responsibility are not affected, maybe, in Pro-Crime (PC) and abortion areas (e.g. San Nan’s Francisco).
Oh, ACLU and SPLC are deeply involved in this crap.
“Did anyone believe the Department of Homeland Security would stop after it disbanded the “Disinformation Governance Board”
Remember “Total Information Awareness,” big eye in the pyramid and everything? Unpopular programs always live on, only their titles and logos disappear in favor of others, as misdirection.
“Former ACLU president Nadine Strossen is correct”
Make note of this trend. When it’s always “former” personages (ACLU presidents, FBI agents, reporters, TV news anchors) warning you of tyranny, but none of the “current” seatwarmers in the same positions are speaking up similarly, it’s clear that the rot is spreading, not receding.
“Big Brother is infallible and all-powerful. Every success, every achievement, every victory, every scientific discovery, all knowledge, all wisdom, all happiness, all virtue, are held to issue directly from his leadership and inspiration.”
Putin’s gas price hike.
Biden’s gas price relief.
The prosecution rests.
Related – PayPal lied and ARE still going to charge people $2500 for so-called ‘misinformation’.
There is a simple solution to that.
The simple one is of course to never use that platform.
Much more interesting would be for a group to make accounts, fund them above this fine, then engage in lawful actions PayPal would dislike. When they seize the funds, report wirefraud and theft to the local police (do it in Florida), the FCC, SEC, FBI, etc. Push it to a lawsuit for damages. Lots of media. Identify the Administration office that’s encouraging them to silence their political enemies. Pursue them for material violations of the First Amendment under color of authority (is that a real charge? sounds good)
But be ready for bear. Maybe get Veritas to do it, they’re pretty good at stings.
Cause private companies operating under the direction of Government officials, conspiring to do things explicitly forbidden to the government by the Constitution is how fascism works.
It is time to repeal the Patriot Act, TSA and DHS. The FBI/DOJ need to be cleansed of all management including the corrupt Inspector General who allowed Russia Gate to proceed. Then the FBI/DOH need to have all of their electronic communications and warrant requests rules reviewed.
Of paramount importance is a review of the magistrates and judges the DOJ has gotten to sign warrants of a suspect and political nature to see if a pattern of judicial partisanship is evident.
Lastly it must be remembered that the extortion, lies, and fabrications by the FBI/DOJ have likely been directed at the judges as well as congressmen and staffers.
This is the description of the Russian Federal Security Service:
“The Federal Security Service (FSB) is a federal executive body with the authority to implement government policy in the national security of the Russian Federation, counterterrorism, the protection and defence of the state border of the Russian Federation, the protection of internal sea waters, the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone, the continental shelf and their natural resources, ensuring the information security of Russia and exercising the basic functions of the federal security services specified in the Russian legislation, as well as coordinating the counterintelligence efforts of the federal executive bodies that have the power to do so.
The President of the Russian Federation oversees the activity of the Federal Security Service.”
How does that differ from what the DHS is doing?
Not at all. DHS and the FBI perform the same function as Russia’s FSB.
What many who don’t pay attention don’t realize is that Russia has laws and courts. And so did the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. They had laws and courts and trials and presiding judges and attorneys prosecuting and defending the accused.
The difference is in how the law is interpreted and applied by the courts.
At the moment in the formerly free nation of the United States a J6 political prisoner is getting almost the same kind of justice political prisoners got in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. No MAGA supporter can get a fair trial in DC. The primary difference is political prisoners in the US are not executed, though some are arbitrarily beaten at the whim of sadistic guards.
Not executed yet, anyway. But no doubt there are Americans who would have no problem with that. Just as there are Americans who would have withheld Covid treatment from the unvaccinated, leaving them to die.
We need a branch of the Government to enforce First Amendment and other Constitutional Violations by the Government..
A modest proposal… they wanna call something “disinformation” call it “disinformation.”
How about we tag information with who vouches for and against it. Little badges, next to the link or ‘URL. For extra credit, if you’re gonna place the badge, have it point to a footnote breaking down why you vouch for a factoid, or why it’s “disinformation”, etc.
— If only we had a technology that would allow tagging chunks of content; even standard graphic badges. Like a clown face, to take an absurd hypothetical.
— If only there were some way to, what would be the word, *link* one let’s say *document* to another. Make it easy to traverse, say *navigate* along the link to see the comment / editorial. Or back. One could even aggregate up comments after the fact, to see how they tracked as we learned more.
— Ideally, those could be universal: moving between networks. Links and references would create an abstract *web* let’s call it, on top of a physical *inter-network*, perhaps *internet* for shot.
If only such things could be. The things we’d know. The understanding we’d leverage. The scope and acceleration we’d reap in dealing with events, and advancing what we know, and what we can do.
Pardon my Utopian musings. It could never happen. The technology’s just too hard.
Ama-Face-Goog-Twit-Itch-Pal exec:
Hey, feebs. Love the idea, and we’re here to cooperate.
Here’s your UI, and automated feed: you can push whatever tagging you want at articles n posts, n we’ll display it every time the thing’s hit. Includes a link back to you. People pay us scads for that, but for you, it’s free.
That editorial content is all yours: tag what you want. And please (please, please) don’t section 230 us. That editorial on what’s mis, dis, and mal information is all you.
Somehow, I’m having another Steely Dan flashback on this;
Dirty Work:
Somebody at the ACLU woke up and smelled the stench …
The American Social Justice League has been advocating for exactly this kind of govt-influenced speech control for a decade and a half, at least.
Some old-school from before the institution was gutted and worn as a skin suit, while demanding respect for what it used to be got out of hand.
Big Brother is rigging your elections.