Cancelvania: Bill Maher Slams Costume Scolds in Epic Halloween Rant

CONTENT WARNING: The content of the video below may be a bit spicy, so please be mindful if you hit the “play” button.

So, earlier this month, Buzzfeed decided to be the costume police and warn people about wearing 23 fun and funny ensembles. The prohibitions ranged from Queen Elizabeth, the covid virus, and Playboy bunnies.

During his recent show, HBO‘s Real Time with Bill Maher, the host gave an epic rant targeting Halloween costume scolds. Those tired of the costume moralizing and the lectures about cultural appropriation will find his monologue funny and biting.

“If Halloween is too much for your fragile sensibilities and you’re worried about seeing someone wearing something that’s on the forbidden costume list, just stay the f*ck home,” said Maher. “Every year we go through this bullsh*t. Lists of costumes you better not wear, lest the night of irreverent dress up spiral into something fun.”He further added, “Halloween is supposed to be outrageous. It’s a festival of the sacrilegious and a celebration for the grotesque. From zombies to ghouls to bobbing for apples in other people’s saliva. Yet, every year, there’s a new list of offensive things we shouldn’t do on the day that’s all about being offensive.”

Mayer said this year, he is going as “an uber-woke, overly anxious, perpetually offended, 20-something”, which will require:

“A ‘f*** the patriarchy’ t-shirt, a check from the patriarchy (to pay your car insurance), a nose ring, a vape pen, a cloth surgical mask, surgical mask, N-95 mask, a face shield and then if you want to leave the house, you will also need Klonopin (to take the edge off), Adderall (to put it back on), a participation trophy, cat-ear headphones (to listen to sad music), a stick (that goes up your a**), a leash (for your support animal) and a wet blanket…”


I thought I would take this opportunity to share with our Legal Insurrection friends some of the most offensive costumes from my Halloween collection over the years.

Probably the most shocking is George Washington (a politician, a slave owner, and a member of the patriarchy)…and his mother.

The last time my son when out for Halloween, he went as Crusader King Richard Lionheart…and I was his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine.  Lots of points for being insensitive…though as we both are some percentage of British and French, no cultural appropriation occurred.

Since my son left for the US Air Force Academy, Halloweens have been spent at a friend’s house, where I pass out candy to the kids. Last year, we dressed up as characters from “Harry Potter”, which is a big “no” because J.K. Rowling is transphoic or something.

What am I going as this year? Persephone, Queen of the Underworld…inspired by this exchange.

Have a safe, happy, and politically incorrect Halloween!

Tags: Bill Maher, Cancel Culture, Halloween