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Bad Ideas Abound Week in Education

Bad Ideas Abound Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

There is no shortage of bad ideas being floated in education right now.

Somehow, they all seem to favor the left.

Some ideas border on downright stupid.

Bias? What bias?

Taking their ball and going home.


The poor dears.

How could this have happened?

You don’t say.

Good for him.

An important message.


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Whoopee Peabody | October 29, 2022 at 11:13 am

Bad Ideas Abound Week

The problem is not that bad ideas abound, but that the Democrats want to shove them down your throat.

Thought experiment:

Of the “top 20” cities in the USA today, are there any that you’d want to move to as a young adult? to live and work and raise children?

Of the “top 20” newspapers or news channels on tv, are there any that you would rely on , that you’d really trust , going forward?

Of the “top 20” military/foreign policy leaders, are there any that you feel you can rely upon to have the best interests of the average American?


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And so… why would you rely on virtually any American college for your “higher education?” Or that of your 18-yr-old child?