Unhinged ‘Comedian’ Kathy Griffin Says Vote for Democrats in November or Expect Civil War

Comedian Kathy Griffin, who famously held up a bloody, fake model of Trump’s severed head in a photo after the 2016 election, is now warning anyone who will listen that you must vote Democrat in November or expect civil war.

This is another example of how Biden’s horrific, un-American speech last week has emboldened people on the left.

Biden declared Republicans a threat, and true believers like Griffin respond in kind.

FOX News reports:

Kathy Griffin blasted for warning those who don’t want ‘Civil War’ to ‘vote for Democrats:’ ‘This is WRONG’Celebrity Kathy Griffin faced backlash for a Tuesday tweet suggesting that the political party people vote for shows whether they want a new American Civil War.”If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do want Civil War, vote Republican,” she tweeted.

Here’s the tweet:

Here’s a screen-cap in case she deletes it:

Pushback came swiftly:

If you’re a Republican and/or a Trump supporter, you are a threat to America, according to Biden, the Democrats, and their many activist supporters in the media.

At the same time, progressives like Kathy Griffin, who were utterly broken by Trump, can threaten civil war over a midterm election, and all the same people on the left just shrug.

This is not sustainable.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Democrats, entertainment, Hollywood, Progressives, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Twitter