Pro Oz Ad Campaign Attacks Fetterman for Pulling Gun on Black Jogger

American Leadership Action, a political committee backing Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Mehmet Oz, launched a 30-second TV ad and 15-second digital ad yesterday. According to NBC, the ad will play “on networks that have solid African American viewership, such as Black Entertainment Television, the Oprah Winfrey Network, MSNBC and ESPN, the group, American Leadership Action, said by email.” 

The “John Fetterman: Reckless, Risky, and Wrong for Pennsylvania” ad quotes a New York Times article and says, “John Fetterman chased down an innocent unarmed black man.”

What is this incident they are referring to?

The incident happened nine years ago when Fetterman was mayor of the Pittsburgh-area town of Braddock. He said he heard what he thought was gunfire, saw a man running away, chased him down with his shotgun and detained him until police arrived. The jogger, Chris Miyares, was found at the time to have committed no crime.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Pennsylvania, US Senate