California Gov. Gavin Newsom: The GOP is “winning right now”

Everything about California governor Gavin Newsom is pure cringe. He’s a hair-gelled and tanned to perfection elitist tyrant who wants to be president more than anything else in the world. The problem is that Newsom wants to be president of a progressive America that just doesn’t exist.

It’s really kind of pathetic and reminds me of thrice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with her “I was born to be president” and her crazy tweet from 2016 featuring a picture of her as a girl with “future president” on it.

On the one hand, it’s sad. But it also tells you everything you need to know about these people. Neither Hillary nor Gavin care about the American people, about our country, or about anything but their own dubious belief in their self-appointment as “future president.”

I’ve been hugely amused by desperate Gavin’s attempts to get caught up in Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s aura of popularity and success.  Gavin’s begging for a debate, paying for ads (on Cali taxpayers’ dime?) in Florida, and generally being that overly excited puppy who wants attention so badly that he piddles on the floor while dancing around pretending the piddle didn’t happen as his whittle beggy paws splash his pee all over the place.

This image of Gavin is amusing, but it’s not appealing. He’s destroyed a once-vibrant state economy, run millionaires (and their businesses) out of state, and continues to double-down on the crazed lie that there is a green energy source or combination of such sources that can replace fossil fuels.  There isn’t. Period.

Indeed, he infamously proved his short-sighted disregard for his own state’s citizens when he simultaneously outlawed gas cars, urged the buying of electric cars, and topped it off with the delightful admonition that Californians could not actually charge their electric cars because Gav’s green power grid, even with tainted fossil fuel imported meagerly from other states, couldn’t keep their lights on.

This is not progress.  Sitting in the dark, marveling over how fabulous you are to have an EV you can’t charge because there is literally no electricity is a century leap backward, not forward.

When I saw the CNN headline (archive link) that Gavin was ‘calling’ on “Democrats to go on the offensive,” I laughed out loud.

Seriously? This guy who has sapped his state of economic wealth while instilling homelessness, lawlessness, and despair wants to go on the offensive? He’s going to say that his plan for Cali is working perfectly, that Cali is a true progressive Utopia all states should emulate?

Well, no.  Of course he’s not going to do that because it’s a lie.  And even he knows it.

Instead, little Gav’s idea of going on the offensive it to . . . wait for it . . . blame Fox News. MAGA. Trump.

According to him, everyone would love streets filled with homeless encampments, human defecation, open drug use, dead bodies (from drug overdoses. Mostly), and rampant crime from shoplifting to murder . .   if only these rightwing outlets wouldn’t cover it.

No one would know about it if it weren’t for those “hate” outlets telling the truth. No one should believe their lying eyes.  That pile of human despair doesn’t exist if Fox News doesn’t cover it.  And stuff.

CNN reports (archive link):

California Gov. Gavin Newsom warned members of his party Saturday that the GOP is “winning right now” as that party controls the national conversation – arguing that Democrats’ failure to offer a “compelling alternative narrative” has put the “entire rights agenda” of the last half-century at risk.

Criticizing the GOP push for restrictive abortion laws, the assault on protections for the LGBTQ community, the attempts to ban certain books from schools and the busing of migrants to liberal cities and enclaves, Newsom charged that rivals like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott are attempting to wipe out “the rights revolution of the last century” with their “zest for demonization (and) humiliating people every single day.”

“These guys are ruthless on the other side,” Newsom said, decrying the “propaganda machines” of Fox News’ primetime lineup, Newsmax and the “anger industry” that he said surrounds them. “They dominate the most important thing in American politics today and that’s the narrative – facts become secondary to narrative. They dominate with illusion. And we are getting crushed. We are on the defense over and over again.”

Because of course Gavin’s happy utopia of progressive enlightenment—no “anger industry” in cancel culture or in the racist “antiracist” lies—is just so fabulous that he can’t even begin to sing its praises. So why even bother, instead, just focus on those normal people who think that law and order is pretty good and that pooping in and shooting up in the street is pretty bad. They are the bad guys. Uh huh.

I will give him credit for getting that the left is getting crushed. He’s among the rare voices on the left who acknowledge that the pendulum has swung quite far from their crazy.  He loses, though, because doubling down on the crazy that is alienating his own base is a really stupid plan. One I sincerely hope all Democrats pursue with vigor and all their millions.

Tags: California, Democrats, Gavin Newsom, Progressives