Netanyahu: Biden’s New Nuke Deal Will Be Iran’s “Golden Paved Highway” To Nuclear Bomb

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that the deal presently being finalized by the Biden administration would pave the way for Iran to build nuclear weapons.

“I think this is a horrible deal, a dangerous deal that will pave Iran’s path with gold, a golden paved highway to a nuclear arsenal,” Netanyahu said Wednesday. The Likud Party leader described the proposed Biden-Mullah deal as “madness” and “the height of folly.”

Netanyahu’s statement comes amid reports that President Joe Biden is close to finalizing a new Iran deal. Almost one year after the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Biden White House is on the cusp of rejoining the Iran nuclear deal, reversing President Donald Trump’s 2018 decision to withdraw from the Obama-era agreement.

But it is unlikely that the U.S. president or his advisors would heed any sound advise at this stage. Biden, who calls his Afghanistan pullout a “extraordinary success,” recently slammed Trump for making the “gigantic mistake” of withdrawing from the Obama-Kerry deal. Going by his statements, Biden appears to have long lost touch with reality.

The Jerusalem Post reported Netanyahu’s remarks:

On Wednesday evening, former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to the podium at Likud headquarters in Tel Aviv and addressed the nation, live on Facebook.“I want to direct your attention to a development that casts a heavy shadow on our security and our future”, Netanyahu said, with a solemn and worried expression. He warned about the “horrible,” “dangerous” and “very, very bad” deal emerging between Iran and the West. (…)A few hours earlier, he had the same message for foreign audiences, and gave alarming interviews on Fox News and Al-Arabiya. “I think this is a horrible deal, a dangerous deal that will pave Iran’s path with gold, a golden paved highway to a nuclear arsenal,” he cautioned. “This is madness! This is the height of folly!”

Mossad Warns of Looming ‘Disastrous’ Nuke Deal

The Israeli intelligence agency Mossad also warned against the looming ‘disastrous’ deal currently being considered by the Biden White House. “Mossad Chief Dedi Barnea said on Thursday that the nuclear deal with Iran, that is now being considered will cause a strategic disaster, because it will facilitate Iranian’s long-lasting efforts to obtain a bomb,” the Israeli broadcaster Ynet News reported.

The new deal, much like the old one, will also be a huge boost for Iran-backed terrorist groups operating across the Middle East. The Mossad chief “said that the deal will infuse Iran’s purse with billions of dollars that will be diverted to fund terrorist groups including the Lebanon based Hezbollah, the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, as well as other proxies and will pose a challenge for both the U.S. and Israel,” the news outlet added.

Netanyahu, Lapid Speak in Unison Against a Biden-Iran Deal

In Israeli political landscape, Netanyahu is not the alone in taking a clear stand on the impending bad nuclear deal. Israel’s caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid echoed the opposition leaders sentiments, saying his country will do everything to prevent Iran from going nuclear under the cover of a revised deal.

Prime Minister Lapid declared that Israel will not be obligated to honor such a deal. “Israel is not committed to any of the restrictions stemming from the agreement and will utilize all available tools to prevent the Iranian nuclear program from advancing,” the prime minister announced this week.

Both Netanyahu and Lapid are locked in a tight contest to win the Israeli general election scheduled for November 1.

The latest round of elections were called in late June after Israel’s ruling coalition broke up, and the parliament voted to dissolve itself.

Israelis will be voting to elect a government for the fifth time in three and half years, and Netanyahu—the country’s longest-serving prime minister—is campaigning to return to the office for the sixth time.

As Israelis head for a fresh election, voters appear to favor the Netanyahu-led right-wing bloc. Most opinion polls show Netanyahu’s alliance leading with a slight majority. However, with almost two months to go until the election day, the shifting political alliances and public opinion could change the outcome.

Tags: Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Israel