Liz Cheney Launching Anti-Trump PAC and Might Run for President

Poor Liz Cheney. Harriet Hageman, who had former President Donald Trump’s support, blew out the sitting Wyoming representative in Tuesday’s primary.

Like any other politician *cough*Hillary*cough*, Cheney cannot read the tea leaves. No one likes you.

Like Hillary, Lizzy won’t go away. She lamented her loss on The Today Show on Wednesday morning, hinting she might run for president. If she does, it’s just to be a pain in the butt for Trump:

“I will be doing whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office,” Cheney told TODAY, adding running for president “is something I’m thinking about and I’ll make a decision in the coming months.”The congresswoman won her primary in 2020 with 73% of the vote, and Cheney told TODAY it would have been easy to stay on that path to victory.”But that path would have required that I accept, that I embrace, that I perpetuate the ‘Big Lie,’ and I’ve been very clear at every moment since January 6 that there are some things that have got to be above politics — that there’s no political office that is more important than the principles that we take an oath to defend,” she said.—“I believe that Donald Trump continues to pose a very grave threat — a risk to our republic — and I think defeating him is going to require a broad and united front of Republicans, Democrats and independents and that’s what I intend to be a part of,” she said.

At least Cheney calls us a republic. I cannot stand it when people say we’re a democracy. We are a republic. No one should want a democracy.


Cheney also formed an anti-Trump PAC right after the results became official:

Hours after her loss, Ms. Cheney filed with the Federal Election Commission to transfer remaining cash from her federal campaign account to a new political-action committee. At the end of July, she had more than $7 million cash on hand, according to FEC filings. Her leadership PAC is called “The Great Task,” a reference to Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, in which he said the task was to save the union and the tradition of representative democracy in the U.S.The FEC filing was partly procedural because Ms. Cheney is no longer an active candidate and needed a new entity to accept donations.—In the coming weeks, Ms. Cheney is expected to launch a political organization to continue her work, said a person familiar with her plans. She is expected to manage it independently and not partner with any outside groups that are also working to block a successful presidential bid by Mr. Trump.

GOP consultant Alex Conant told The Wall Street Journal that Cheney “could be a significant factor in 2024.” I don’t know about that:

While Ms. Cheney’s chances of winning the GOP nomination would be slim—she just lost re-election in one of the reddest states in the country—some GOP strategists say she could cause headaches for Mr. Trump as his chief antagonist, if he decides to make another presidential run, which he is considering.“Cheney’s laser focus on Trump and ability to command media attention means she could be a significant factor in 2024,” said GOP consultant Alex Conant, who led communications for Sen. Marco Rubio’s 2016 presidential campaign and served as a spokesman in the second Bush White House. “She won’t be the nominee, but she’ll be a factor, especially if she can qualify for the primary debates. Nobody wanted to challenge Trump in 2015. Now we’ll have a candidate doing nothing but constantly challenging him.”

Cheney lost by nearly 40 points. It did not take long for the results to come in as well. Ten Republicans voted to impeach Trump. Only two of them won their primaries!

Maybe listen to the constituents? People are having a tough time putting food on the table. We’re living paycheck-to-paycheck. Most people aren’t in the mood for Trump Derangement Syndrome and whatever happened on January 6.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Liz Cheney, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Wyoming