Israel: IDF Winds Down Operation “Breaking Dawn” After Decimating Palestinian Islamic Jihad Leadership 

The Israeli security forces are winding down the operation “Breaking Dawn,” which succeeded in decimating the leadership of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist group based in Gaza and the West Bank.

“The senior leadership of Islamic Jihad in Gaza, responsible for hundreds of attacks and rockets fired towards the Israeli Homefront, was eliminated during the operation. In addition, dozens of Islamic Jihad operatives were apprehended in Judea and Samaria,” the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement obtained by Legal Insurrection.

The IDF “spokesperson said that two senior PIJ commanders were killed by Israeli raids and more than 10 militants were struck while attempting to fire rockets,” the Israeli broadcaster Ynet News reported summing up the counterterrorism operation.

The two commanders killed in Israeli strikes were top Gaza-based PIJ terror operatives Tayseer Jabari and Khaled Mansour.

Breaking Dawn, jointly conducted by the IDF, the Israel Securities Authority (ISA), and the border police, was aimed at “the Islamic Jihad, to remove a credible and immediate threat to Israeli civilians,” the IDF noted in the statement.

The Islamic Jihad (PIJ), which operates under the protection of Hamas and PLO-controlled Palestinian Authority in Gaza and the West Bank, respectively, is an Islamic terrorist organization funded, armed, and directed by the Iranian regime. The jihadist group played a leading role in the wave of terror attacks against Israeli civilians, which began in late March, coinciding with the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

PIJ Leadership Decimated, Ceasefire Reached

After eliminating several prominent operatives of the PIJ, the IDF has agreed to an Egyptian-negotiated cease-fire with Gaza-based Palestinian terrorist groups.

“A ceasefire has taken effect on Sunday, at 11:30pm local time, ” the Israeli military confirmed. “If the ceasefire will be violated, the State of Israel reserves the right to forcefully respond. We will not allow any adversary to violate the safety and daily routine of Israeli civilians,” the Israeli military warned.


As the Palestinian Islamist and terrorist group fired close to 1,100 rockets at Israel, the civilians in Gaza were once again victims of their misfired projectiles. “Approximately 20% of all Islamic Jihad rocket launches landed within the Gaza Strip, resulting in many injuries and fatalities of Gazan residents,” the IDF disclosed.

On Saturday, the IDF released a video showing a rocket fired from a PIJ position landing in a Gaza residential area of Jabalia — killing five children and injuring 15 others. The Palestinian media, primarily controlled by the terrorist outfits, had tried to pin the blame on Israel for the incident.

IDF Operation Ends With Another Success: Fatah-Backed Terror Operative Slain

The Israeli security forces concluded the operation by taking out Ibrahim Nabulsi, a West Bank-based Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades commander. The Times of Israel reported Tuesday:

A wanted member of a terror cell who reportedly managed to evade previous attempts to capture him was one of three people killed during a fierce gun battle with Israeli troops in Nablus on Tuesday morning. (…)According to the Israel Defense Forces, soldiers surrounded the home of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades commander Ibrahim Nablusi, leading to an exchange of gunfire.

Nabulsi, a wanted terrorist who gained a following on TikTok for his Jihad-promoting content, had evaded previous Israeli attempts to capture him.

“Nabulsi was a national symbol, with viral glorification on social media, including TikTok videos with people chanting his name,” the Israeli TV channel i24News reported. “He survived two previous arrest attempts this year, the latest in late July, wanted for numerous attacks in the West Bank, including shooting attacks against military positions and against Joseph’s Tomb.”

Tags: Gaza, IDF, islamic jihad, Israel, Palestinian Terror, Terrorism