CatholicVote Releases $1 Million Ad Targeting Biden, DOJ for Ignoring Anti-Catholic Violence

“Devout” Catholic President Joe Biden does not appear to care about the rising violence against Catholic churches and schools since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.We knew Roe v. Wade would disappear thanks to someone leaking Justice Alito’s opinion. Pro-abortion groups pushed their followers to engage in a “summer of rage” in response to the eventual ruling.CatholicVote released a $1 million ad targeting Biden and his Department of Justice for ignoring the violence against Catholics.“The American people are disgusted by the inaction of our Justice Department,” stated CatholicVote’s Joshua Mercer. “This ad sends an important message, calling on our lawmakers to demand action against this vicious campaign of targeted violence against Catholics.”CatholicVote invokes President John Kennedy, our first Catholic president. The ad shows videos of Kennedy condemning and taking action against those who attacked black churches in the South.”Now churches are being burned because they protect unborn babies and women in need,” says the ad.Then the ad shows “our second Catholic president” encouraging pro-abortion groups and people to “Keep protesting, because keep making your point.”Catholic News Agency has written about at least 93 incidents against Catholic churches and schools and attacks on pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers.CatholicVote and others asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate the attacks:

In June CatholicVote was joined by a number of other leading organizations in sending a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding action.“We, the undersigned representing millions of Americans, are writing to voice our concerns over the increased attacks against churches, pregnancy resource centers and pro-life organizations in the aftermath of the leaked draft opinion in the Supreme Court case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization,” the letter stated:

In December of last year, the Department of Justice was asked how it was investigating the repeated attacks on churches in the United States. The Attorney General was also asked to investigate those complaints and take appropriate action as is your duty. Since that request there has been public silence.

After all, I thought Biden, Garland, and the DOJ considered domestic terrorism the #1 threat to America. Oh, wait. They’re too busy targeting domestic terrorists at school board meetings, voicing concerns about their child’s education.

As far as I know, the Catholic Church is the only church that has anti-abortion language in it.

Yes, anti-abortion. I have no shame in labeling myself or my Church anti-abortion and pro-life.

From the Catechism: “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law” (No. 2271).

Tags: Abortion, Catholic, DOJ, Joe Biden, Pro-Life