Teachers Union Wants Democrats to Fight Republicans on Critical Race Theory
“Poll of battleground states conducted for teacher’s union finds voters trust GOP more on education”

New polling indicates that members of the American Federation of Teachers want Democrats to fight Republicans on issues like Critical Race Theory in education, which is odd considering that we’re constantly assured CRT isn’t taught in schools.
Also, isn’t this article a direct admission that the teacher unions are totally in bed with the Democratic party? It sure looks that way.
NBC News reports:
Teachers union wants Democrats to fight back against Republicans’ critical race theory attacks
Democrats should stop hiding and start fighting Republicans on hot-button education issues like battles over teaching racial issues in school, according to polling at the heart of a new push by the American Federation of Teachers ahead of the midterm elections.
The survey, conducted by Hart Research in seven battleground states in May and provided first to NBC News, found Republicans had a 39% to 38% advantage on which party voters trust more on education.
“We need to get out of our crouch here,” said Guy Molyneux, a pollster at the Democratic firm who worked on the survey.
In recent years, Democrats — and their teacher-union allies — have found themselves on the defensive against Republican efforts to ban books and lessons on race and gender identity. School boards have been torn asunder over “critical race theory,” and conservatives have portrayed teachers and Democrats as child predators.
Let’s unpack that last part because there are some apparent falsehoods there.
First, if parents want sexually explicit books taken from their children’s school libraries, that hardly counts as banning books. In fact, it is progressives who have actually moved to ban books.
Second, if teachers don’t want to be accused of grooming kids on LGBT issues, maybe they should stop bragging about it publicly.
Now for the horrible news for teacher unions and Democrats.
John Sexton of Hot Air writes:
Poll of battleground states conducted for teacher’s union finds voters trust GOP more on education
The American Federation of Teachers hired a democratic polling firm to ask questions of likely voters in seven battlegound states (AZ, FL, GA, MI, NV, PA, WI). The results can only be seen as terrible news for the union.
The survey, conducted by Hart Research in seven battleground states in May and provided first to NBC News, found Republicans had a 39% to 38% advantage on which party voters trust more on education…
Then there’s a question about what schools should be focused on. These are ranked in the order of the percent of respondents who included that particular answer in the top 3 things schools ought to be doing. Tops on the list at 58% is “Making sure students have strong fundamental skills in reading, math, and science.” The next three items are, simply put, life skills, critical thinking and college prep.
Teacher unions have followed their party down a woke ideological rabbit hole while millions of American parents are asking, what happened to reading, writing, and math?
Parents are also fine with teaching history, contrary to the ridiculous claims of these ideologues. Parents object to the twisting and rewriting of American history for political purposes in the form of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project.
If there is one good thing that came out of the pandemic, this might be it. Progressives in education have done more damage to their own cause over the last year than Republicans ever could.

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Critical Racists’ Theory presumes diversity dogma (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) of the Pro-Choice ethical religion that denies human dignity and agency, and reduces human life to negotiable commodities.
CRT is racist because it judges people based on race. Don’t the progressive fascists realize that?
It’s just Democrats returning to their racist roots.
I thought they weren’t teaching CRT.
of course not – they arent teaching CRT – that is why the left is so rabid about defending what isnt being taught
Lol here we go again. The stupid progs think the reason that people hate their ideas is because they just haven’t explained them well enough.
No, you stupid Marxist twat, people hate Marxism and they hate you!
“Marxism”, shmarkism: it’s just fascism, with the proponents of it being in the elite earning positions, while the rest of of us live like peons. It’s alway about getting easy money.
Just like the old Soviet Union.
“” it’s just fascism””
Which isn’t fundamentally different from feudalism. They’ve just stopped calling them kings and nobles (in most places, anyway).
Latest example:
In outposts such as Nigeria, Connecticut, and RI, fraud against the government is a measurable contribution to their GNP-analog. Though not considered honorable, it is at least time-honored, over generations. Such regions often lack sufficient alternative honest employment.
A school Bible used to be issued, up until roughly 1960. Now they are Satan’s minions doing his bidding. Time to defund Public Schools.
Don’t buy the lie
Although the CRT and 1619 is being wrapped in the garments of Race, Gender, LGBABC-WHATEVER and everything else- that’s just an obfuscation tactic between a red herring and a smoke screen.
The ultimate goal is to re-write foundational history along the narrative the state wants to indoctrinate by.
This is a well known tactic used by modern Communist states ( a psyop) in “re-education”
It takes 2 “generations” to mentally enslave a population intellectually ( when the goal is to rule and manage)
The generation that is “overcome” ( or allows the indoctrination)
The first generation indoctrinated ( the new normal for those who wonder where that phrase actually came from)
After that- its “the way its always been” and grows “truth and legitimacy” over time.
This MUST be stopped. To quote Hick’s from “Aliens”. .”We cant afford to let one of those bastards in here”
All semantics; we don’t call it CRT, therefore we aren’t teaching CRT.
How about we instead fight to get rid of the Marxists theology teachers?
attacking the symptom
And end the Teachers Union and all public sector unions.
The teacher unions might get some traction for this in deep blue States but purple and red State politicians are unlikely to join the bandwagon. Even blue enclaves have their limits, SF replaced 3 school board members over these sorts of issues.
Keep in mind that “purple” is almost never a blue state on its way to red.
That is what you’re up against.
That seems to be changing at least a bit. Virginia for one flipped the Legislature, Gov, LT Gov and AG. . Florida looks to have moved from a competitive purple in Statewide elections towards a r majority based on voter registration.
New Jersey nearly flipped the Gov and with more funding might have done it. That’s a +16 Biden State that the incumbent d Murphy won +14 in 2017 and nearly lost in 2021. The difference was 95k votes out of 2.6 million cast, 3% over a largely unknown and underfunded opponent.
The other thing to keep in mind is the r success in 2020 in House races. The r held roughly a dozen seats that they might have lost. That alone will decrease the amount of seats they gain in 2022. Instead of a ‘huge’ swing of 35+ it might be only 24.
Heck the underappreciated fact of 2020 is how close the elections were. Less than 200k votes in 5 swing States separate the r winning the HoR, the Senate and the WH. That’s a strong performance given the facts of Covid, economic slowdown, hate of DJT and a media that went visibly into the tank for Biden.
Despite all the d/prog shenanigans in 2020 they still nearly lost. Remember that’s before widespread CRT/equity and trans policies in schools were getting traction. Much less the botched Afghan withdrawal, fuel and food shortages, supply chain issues, baby formula, rampant inflation, firing service members over the jab, stock market losses, inflation, rising rent and mortgage rates, draining the SPR, Ukraine bs and whether the admin effs up next.
Don’t be complacent but it’s not doom and gloom for r in 2022. The d would love to switch places.
One of the things the Dems screwed up very badly on was not only neglecting their local and state races, but actively repressing any talent or ambition in the lower ranks.
As a result, they lack reliable depth in their line (to use sports terminology).
This is a fight we on the Right should relish. This issue and the grooming efforts by the same Democrat factions will bring parents out to fight like nothing else, especially mothers with school age children. Take over school boards, out any teacher that aligns with the Dems. Your State boards of education, take them too. Children are the culture as well as the future..
I’m actually on the fence as I don’t know which in this target rich environment we should be concentrating on.
May e with the influx of largely Catholic illegal Hispanics, Drag Queen happy hour or whatever.
Oooh, boy! Will they be happy with that s**t.
I may be wrong.
CRT is racist and just as evil as what Dems use to say about black in order to justify slavery.
With CRT the Dems are returning to their racist roots.
Re: “New polling indicates that members of the American Federation of Teachers want Democrats to fight Republicans on issues like Critical Race Theory in education, ….”
I did not see any such polling of members of the AFT discussed. In fact, being married to a public school teacher who can’t avoid being a member, she can’t recall ever being polled on anything. That is not the way they operate. You vote in ultra liberal leaders and you get the policies the leaders want, which often do not represent the views of much of the membership.
“a public school teacher who can’t avoid being a member”
One word: Beck.
They meant of course polling of SOME members, as in their marxist revolutionary council.
They are the enlightened ones meant to determine and enforce what the proletariat should think and feel. The voice of the revolution.
Precisely. The unions do little but collect dues. I know, I have been teaching for decades.
“Democrats should stop hiding and start fighting Republicans on hot-button education issues like battles over teaching racial issues in school, according to polling at the heart of a new push by the American Federation of Teachers ahead of the midterm elections.”
I don’t know where this writer (or that hack, Weingarten) is getting this, but the only teachers hiding in K12 and universities are the conservatives.
The teacher can try to decertify the union.
“Also, isn’t this article a direct admission that the teacher unions are totally in bed with the Democratic party?”
What are 50 years of public reports on campaign donations — chopped liver?
Their voter guides are all Dem. I use them to know who NOT to vote for.
I couldn’t possibly agree more.
Bring it ALL out into the light of day and admit to exactly what it is. Then lets see how that sells in the public market.
Next we can do the left’s promotion of deviant sexual practices in our schools. Get it all out in the open and address it once and for all.
When we are done with that we can address the neutering of your marxist child indoctrination association.
Saved me a post. Gosport is absolutely correct (not sure about the neutering part). By all means, Democrats, stand up! State your positions clearly so that voters can see the real choices before they enter the voting booth instead of getting buyers remorse once you’re in office. Be proud of your positions on CRT! Don’t hide in your foxholes. Stand up and advance across the field of ideas!
They don’t dare.
As a deterrent neutering may have some promise…
If the teachers unions want to die on the hill of systemic racism,, gender fluidity and climate change, the democrats should lose big time in the House
I call it maleducation.