Post-SCOTUS Decision Polls Still Show Biden, Congressional Dems in Trouble Ahead of Midterm Elections
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Post-SCOTUS Decision Polls Still Show Biden, Congressional Dems in Trouble Ahead of Midterm Elections

Post-SCOTUS Decision Polls Still Show Biden, Congressional Dems in Trouble Ahead of Midterm Elections

“46% of voters plan to vote for the Republican congressional candidate on the ballot while 43% plan to support the Democratic congressional candidate. […] In a hypothetical 2024 matchup between President Biden and former President Trump, Trump holds 44% support while Biden has 39% support.”

With the ongoing January 6 Committee show trials hearings and the Supreme Court ruling late last month to overturn Roe v. Wade, Democrats thought they had a couple of aces up their sleeves to motivate voters ahead of the fall midterm elections.

Unfortunately for them, recent polls indicate that the SCOTUS decision on Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization has not moved the needle in their direction, nor have the deceptive theatrics of the self-important J6 Committee members.

In an Emerson College poll released Friday, Republicans maintained their three-point advantage over Democrats in generic Congressional balloting, and though President Biden’s approval rating inched up a mere 2% from their last poll to 40%, former President Donald Trump bests him in a hypothetical 2024 matchup 44% to 39%:

In the 2022 November Midterm Elections, 46% of voters plan to vote for the Republican congressional candidate on the ballot while 43% plan to support the Democratic congressional candidate. This congressional ballot test has remained relatively stagnant since last month’s national poll, where Republicans also led by three points on the congressional ballot, 45% to 42%.


In a hypothetical 2024 Presidential Election matchup between President Biden and former President Trump, Trump holds 44% support while Biden has 39% support; 12% would vote for someone else and 5% are undecided. “Since last month, Trump has held his share of support while Biden’s support has reduced four points.”

And in numbers that line up with other polls from multiple polling outfits over the last several months, the economy (like inflation) is the top issue for voters, which is terrible news for Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats:

And just where do the daily Capitol riot “investigation” charades rank on the list of voter priorities? Low, very low:

From that same CBS News poll:

Current assessments of the national economy are getting worse. Just 22% think it’s good — down even further from 26% in May — while the percentage saying it’s “bad” has gone up to 75% — a new high for the Biden presidency. That is a 12-point rise since April.


Majorities of Republicans, independents, and Democrats all rate the economy as bad. The 60% of Democrats who rate the economy bad is notable because it’s moving closer to the views of independents and Republicans, even though a president’s own party often gives rosier assessments than others. Democrats’ positive assessments have dropped over recent months. They were at 42% good last month.

CBS News’ polling on Democrat pessimism about the economy dovetails with another recent one taken by the Associated Press that showed a whopping 68% of Democrats believed the country was headed in the wrong direction, as we previously reported:

As we also noted, RealClearPolitics Averages has Joe Biden at record high disapproval and record low approval averages:

Once more voters catch wind of Biden’s latest ridiculous attempt at bullying gas companies and gas station owners into lowering their gas prices, his approval numbers might just dip even lower:


It ain’t over ’til it’s over, of course, but rumor has it that the rather stout lady in the far left corner of the club can be heard warming up.

As always, stay tuned.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Poll shows Biden is in trouble? No, the poll does not show Biden is in trouble. The poll shows they called some people on the phone and the few that answered said they are not happy with inflation, economy, etc.

But Biden is not in trouble. There is no committee investigating him, there will be no impeachment, no removal from office. If he screws up, the press will cover him. If he tips over on his bike, they will pick him up. He is as safe as he can possibly be.

    Biden is a lame duck. He’s in trouble. No one respects him nor listens to him. He is a Potatus who has zero influence to persuade anyone about anything. All he does now is issue EOs pissing everyone off, even his own party and constituents. Plus he is facing being impeached next year for corruption in high office. If that isn’t being in trouble I don’t know what is.

      mailman in reply to Pasadena Phil. | July 3, 2022 at 2:09 pm

      No one is going to impeach 10% China Joe. Democrats won’t do it and the Spineless sons of bitches Republicans most certainly won’t for fear of being portrayed as mean by the media.

      This guy could quite literally be responsible for untold deaths on the border and no one will touch him.

        Wait until after the election when the House has been purged. The winds of fate have reversed and most politicians are spineless polymorphs who change at the drop of a hat. Their spinelessness will work in our favor next year. Then it will be up to voters to vote them out. Don’t give these guys credit for being resolute in their stupidity. They are nearly all unabashed cowards.

      Peabody in reply to Pasadena Phil. | July 3, 2022 at 3:01 pm

      Ha ha! You make a person laugh so hard their sides will ache, their heart will go pit a pat. Biden in big trouble? What’re they going to do? Make him go to bed early without eating his pudding? Take Corn Pop of the White House visitor access list?

      Gimme a break.

      Stuytown in reply to Pasadena Phil. | July 4, 2022 at 8:42 am

      Mike Pence a never-Trumper? Seriously?

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to Pasadena Phil. | July 5, 2022 at 11:07 am

      I’ll bet the Democrats try to force Joey Demento to resign after the Midterms are over – especially if they gain one Senate seat while losing the House badly. You see, that will allow them to appoint a new VP by straddling the Congresses. If Dementia Joe resigns in the Lame Duck Session, KH nominates a new VP who gets promptly confirmed by the House, and then confirmed by the Senate in January. The Constitution requires that an appointed VP be confirmed by both Houses of Congress, but nowhere does it require that they be confirmed by both Houses in the same Congress.

Biden is pretty close to a King Canute comparison with that tweet.

drednicolson | July 3, 2022 at 12:29 pm

The more they piss voters off, the less plausible deniability they’ll have when they try to pull another fast one.

All polls are lies.

Biden’s support can’t possibly be that high. If there were really that many imbeciles in the country, congress would have at least a million members!

Here is another poll that shows Trump waltzing into the 2024 nomination.

Naturally, Trump romps with 55% with DeSantis coming in easily in second with 20%. NeverTrumper favorite Pence is an irrelevant 3rd at 9% with no one else polling over 5%. That tells us Trump is the king maker in 2022 and bodes ill for the McConnell wing of the Uniparty this year.

It also tells us that DeSantis is in the catbird seat for the next 12 years without any competition yet appearing. Barring the biggest vote steal ever by the Dem/GOPe, Trump/DeSantis will romp for the next 12 years once Trump breaks through the Uniparty barricades.

Thanks to epic SCOTUS decisions last week, the Uniparty is now too busy fighting “too many Indians” to do anything. States are already moving to secure elections while the Uniparty doubles down with their lies. Doofus Hair Gel will be airing ads in Florida tomorrow as he starts campaigning for the White House. What is his message? “I will do for America what I did for California, not like that loser governor of yours!”?

We are winning big and should act like it. MAGA is on its way.

    mailman in reply to Pasadena Phil. | July 3, 2022 at 2:12 pm

    Trump/DeSantis would be a nightmare for the Democrats and the media 🤣🤣 Tefflon Donny and Fireproof DeathSantis. A match made in heaven 🤣

Here is another poll (Harvard) which shows Trump winning even more bigly:

This is why the global establishment is completely obsessed with a former POTUS over everything else. The economy is collapsing and Trump is the only thing on their minds. Even Liz Cheney is warning that the Uniparty will not survive if Trump wins in 2024:

Of course, she phrases it differently.

If I were DeSantis, I would stay focused on what I’ve been doing and just ride Trump’s coattails to the White House. No lose situation. So long as he doesn’t listen to the Karl Rove siren calls to challenge Trump in 2024. Let Trump make that call. Meantime, keep the two steamrollers rolling.

A relative used to run a gas station. He said he made no money selling gasoline, but was a service to help or attract auto repair customers.

The liberal burden, a progressive burden of a republic designed for demos-cracy, our Posterity included. The karmic irony.

henrybowman | July 3, 2022 at 5:48 pm

“It ain’t over ’til it’s over, of course, but rumor has it that the rather stout lady in the far left corner of the club can be heard warming up.”
Stacey Abrams can F right off, she’s just more of the problem.