Liz Cheney Trailing Harriet Hageman By 22 Points In Poll of Wyoming House Primary

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R-ish) has little to recommend her as a politician: she is unlikable, has zero charisma, and is stuck on stupid, primarily the Bush-Cheney “compassionate conservatism” and constant war-mongering days that most Americans were happy to see come to a close.

But she does have that last name, which she uses instead of her married name for obvious reasons, so it gave her a certain cachet in Wyoming. That is until she turned into a Never Trump shrew who latched on to the actual threats to our Republic—Democrats—to slay her ideological foe, Donald Trump, and to drag the Republican Party, kicking and screaming, back to the failed Bush-Cheney party of yore.

Wyoming, however, appears poised to deny her the political office she needs to achieve her dearly-held, out-of-touch desire. A month out from the GOP primary for Wyoming’s only seat in the House of Representatives, Cheney is trailing her Trump-backed challenger by double digits.

The Star Tribune reports:

Former President Donald Trump’s pick to unseat Rep. Liz Cheney in the race for Wyoming’s lone House seat holds a commanding 22-point lead with a month until the primary, a new Casper Star-Tribune poll shows.Natural resources attorney Harriet Hageman leads Cheney 52% to 30%, the poll shows. No other challenger received more than 5% support. Only 11% of voters were undecided.The poll, conducted for the Star-Tribune by Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy, surveyed 1,100 registered Wyoming voters likely to participate in the primary, resulting in a margin of error of plus or minus 3%, according to Brad Coker, Mason-Dixon managing director.While the Cheney-Hageman race is one of the nation’s most closely watched, this is the first independent, public, in-state poll to be conducted. It was performed from July 7 to July 11 — shortly after early voting began here.Cheney’s vote to impeach the former president after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and her relentless criticism of Trump as a threat to democracy and the rule of law have spurred the toughest reelection fight of her career. In September, Trump selected Hageman from several challengers as his pick to take on Cheney, one of his biggest political enemies.

There seems little doubt that if Cheney loses her bid for reelection, it will be due to politically and socio-cultural tone-deafness and a profound inability to read the room.

Throughout early 2021, Cheney droned on and on about her hatred for President Trump, and she did so to the extent that it was harming her ability to fulfill her role in the #3 spot in GOP House Leadership. Taking on Trump became her entire focus, and she was eventually removed from House leadership . . . with the support of House leadership. It was truly stunning.

But even that didn’t deter her. Blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome, completely broken by Trump, Cheney decided to toss her entire political career down the toilet in pursuit of his personal and political destruction.

Newsweek reports:

Before her opposition to the ex-president, Cheney was popular in Wyoming. The congresswoman won her 2020 reelection with nearly 69 percent of the vote. That was even a notable improvement compared to the just under 64 percent she garnered in 2018 and the approximately 62 percent she won in 2016.However, Trump outperformed Cheney in Wyoming in 2020, with nearly 70 percent of the vote. The result was similar in 2016, with Trump garnering just over 68 percent compared to Cheney’s nearly 64 percent.Some have suggested that Cheney could see a boost in support from Democrats switching their party affiliation to support her. Wyoming currently allows voters to change their party registration on Election Day. But there are four times as many Republicans in Wyoming as there are Democrats, according to The New York Times, meaning it’s unlikely that support from the state’s liberals would be enough to salvage her campaign.

Her appeal to Wyoming Democrats to vote for her is yet another example of her political ineptitude.

Not only are there not enough of them to make a difference, but the Cheney name is anathema to the far left, and she is about to learn the lesson that John McCain, Mitt Romney, and countless other nominal Republicans who’ve courted the left have learned the hard way: nothing you do will change a leftist’s heart or mind, much less a vote. You are the enemy, and while they are happy to pat you on the head while you are being a good useful idiot, they will turn on you with daggers in a split second.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Liz Cheney, Wyoming