Jean-Pierre: Biden Isn’t Finishing the Border Wall, We’re Cleaning Up Trump’s Mess

We found out on Thursday the Biden administration will fill in the gaps in Trump’s border wall near Yuma, AZ.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about Biden’s comments when he was a candidate.

You’re not? I know this administration loves to change language and linguistics, but this is too much.

Also, in 2019, Jean-Pierre called Trump’s wall racist. Is it racist when Biden does it?

Jean-Pierre had the hardest time justifying the action while calling it ineffective and racist and claiming you’re just cleaning up Trump’s mess while trying to save lives:

“If walls work in that part of Arizona, is this the administration trying to get migrants to cross somewhere else, like in Texas? What is the plan?”Jean-Pierre repeated her previous answer before adding, “we are trying to save lives.””By finishing the wall, is this —” Doocy began before Jean-Pierre cut him off.”We are not finishing the wall,” she said.”By filling in? Finishing?” Doocy probed, searching for a word to describe how a previously uncompleted section of physical barrier at the southern border will now be completed under Biden’s directive.”We are not finishing the wall,” Jean-Pierre said for the fifth time.”By filling in the wall, is this racist? Because in 2019, when the former guy was proposing a wall, you said that it was this racist wall. So how is this any different?” Doocy asked.”I’m not even sure how you get to your first question to this question that you just asked me. I will say this, a border wall … is ineffective use of taxpayer dollars,” Jean-Pierre said. She went on to repeat for the sixth time that the Biden administration is not “finishing” the wall and that it is “cleaning up the mess that the last administration made.”

But I guess it’s not ineffective when you just say that you’re cleaning up Trump’s mess and Biden’s doing the building.

It also will only save lives because Biden is building it.

WHAT is going on?!

Tags: Arizona, Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Karine Jean-Pierre