Dr. Deborah Birx: Covid “Came Out of the Box Ready to Infect”


The last time we checked on President Trump’s former covid advisor, Dr. Deborah Birx, she was retiring after being ousted in late 2020 for hypocritically defying her holiday get-together guidance issued to the general public.The infamous Scarf Lady is back. In a recent interview with the U.K. Daily Mail, Birx indicated that the SARS-CoV-2 virus (which causes covid) could have leaked from a Wuhan laboratory where scientists were working on vaccines for similar viruses.

Infectious diseases expert and former presidential Covid adviser Dr Deborah Birx told The Mail on Sunday that coronavirus ‘came out of the box ready to infect’ when it emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2020 [Date should be 2019, not 2020 as The Daily Mail wrote].The adviser said most viruses take months or years to become highly infectious to humans. But, Dr Birx said, Covid ‘was already more infectious than flu when it first arrived’.She said that meant Covid was either an ‘abnormal thing of nature’ or that Chinese scientists were ‘working on coronavirus vaccines’ and became infected.‘It happens, labs aren’t perfect, people aren’t perfect, we make mistakes and there can be contamination,’ she said.

Birx pointed a finger directly at China, indicating that Chinese officials covered up the leak and how transmissible it was between humans.

Birx said Covid’s infectiousness was consistent with a virus which had been experimented on in a lab.’In laboratories you grow the virus in human cells, allowing it to adapt more. Each time it passes through human cells it becomes more adapted,’ she said.Because people can catch Covid asymptomatically – meaning they don’t show symptoms – Dr Birx argues a Wuhan scientist could have easily walked out of the lab with it.’Someone working in the lab with one of the strains could’ve caught it and not known they had it,’ she said.Dr Birx also added that lives could’ve been saved if China had admitted the virus spread asymptomatically, when it was first discovered.

As a long-time supporter of the lab-leak theory for covid’s origins, I would have welcomed her statements more if they had been issued in early 2020. It was challenging to get information and share it once the media followed Dr. Anthony Fauci’s narrative that we lab-leak proponents were ‘conspiracy theorists.’

A review by Jeffrey Tucker of the Brownstone Institute completed of Birx’s book, “Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, Covid-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It’s Too Late,” may offer a hint as to why Scarf Lady is back trying to burnish her credibility.

It is clear that lockdown mania and the next vaccine craze have been devastating to the country and much of the world. In her book, which was published in April of this year, Birx appears too willing to impose mandates without having any available date for herself to justify it.

Recall that it was she who was tasked – by Anthony Fauci – with doing the really crucial thing of talking Donald Trump into green-lighting the lockdowns that began on March 12, 2020, and continued to their final hard-core deployment on March 16. This was the “15 Days to Flatten the Curve” that turned into two years in many parts of the country.Her book admits that it was a two-level lie from the beginning.

“We had to make these palatable to the administration by avoiding the obvious appearance of a full Italian lockdown,” she writes. “At the same time, we needed the measures to be effective at slowing the spread, which meant matching as closely as possible what Italy had done—a tall order. We were playing a game of chess in which the success of each move was predicated on the one before it.”


“At this point, I wasn’t about to use the words lockdown or shutdown. If I had uttered either of those in early March, after being at the White House only one week, the political, nonmedical members of the task force would have dismissed me as too alarmist, too doom-and-gloom, too reliant on feelings and not facts. They would have campaigned to lock me down and shut me up.”

In other words, she wanted to go full CCP just like Italy but didn’t want to say that. Crucially, she knew for sure that two weeks was not the real plan. “I left the rest unstated: that this was just a starting point.”

“No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of a two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it,” she admits.

It appears that the book is the work of a fabulist, so I will not be reviewing it.  Personally, I loathe Birx just a little less than Fauci. She needs to go back to private life and scarf shopping.

Tags: Deborah Birx, Wuhan Coronavirus