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Critical Race Theory is Still Being Taught Week in Education

Critical Race Theory is Still Being Taught Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

For months, people on the left have insisted that Critical Race Theory is not being taught in schools. And yet…

You can see shades of it in many other places.

Progressives are turning higher education into a dystopian nightmare.

People are pushing back, though.

What an original idea.


The pandemic is over.

Blatant left-wing activism.

This is pathetic.

Good for him.

Wait, what?


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These cultural issues are essential. Every Republican including even the squishiest ones like the current governors of MD MA and VT would do everything they could on inflation, but these cultural issues are critical and should never be deemphasized even if it means owning libs in an article. The left is fighting in the culture which should be a clue that the culture matters.

“Critical Race Theory is being taught”

Don’t you mean, “shoved down people’s throats”?