Police Respond To Domestic Incident At Chicago State Attorney Kim Foxx’s Home

Soros-backed Cooks County, IL state’s attorney Kim Foxx made national news when she fumbled the Jussie Smollett race hoax case.

She’s back in the headlines this week after her husband called 911 in response to her physical violence during a domestic dispute.  According to reports, Kim was triggered by something her husband posted to Facebook.  Fox News reports that no arrests were made.

5Chicago reports:

At approximately 10:09 p.m. on Saturday, June 4, officers responded to Foxx’s home when her husband, Kelley Foxx, called 911 to report a domestic incident involving his wife, according to the report.Kelley informed officers Kimberly, as Kim Foxx is referred to in the police report, got mad “about something that was posted on Facebook that he did,” the document stated.Then, when Kimberly asked him to leave, he refused, the officer noted. At that point, Kimberly “became physical,” and Kelley said she blocked him from leaving the bathroom, police noted.Kimberly “grabbed his collar and threw down his video game controller,” the report stated. “He tried to turn on the TV and Kimberly snatched the controller out of his hand and threw the controller.”The officer wrote that while Kelley explained what happened, Kimberly said “all that is true.” Kelley told police Kimberly slapped him and indicated he was slapped on his left cheek, documents stated. The officer used his flashlight to see Kelley’s cheek and “did not observe any indicators to support his claim of being struck.” Kelley told officers he just wanted “someone to understand what was happening here,” said that Kimberly was “being physically aggressive” and he just wanted it to stop, authorities said.Kimberly informed police she did put her hands on Kelley, but it was only to “help guide him out of the house,” the officer noted. She also maintained she didn’t slap Kelley, according to the report. When police asked Kimberly whether she felt she was safe in the home with Kelley, she said, ‘I mean he’s not crazy,” the report stated. Both husband and wife informed police they have been together for over 20 years and things have “never been physical.”

Watch the report:

Tags: Chicago, Crime