Lawsuits All Around Week in Education
Your weekly report on education news.
There was lots of news about lawsuits in education this week. Let’s begin with some updates about the Gibson’s Bakery vs. Oberlin case.
- Gibson’s Bakery Wants Ohio Supreme Court To Restore Full Punitive Damage Verdict Against Oberlin College
- Gibson’s Bakery Moves To Collect On $36 Million Surety Bond, Oberlin College Seeks Stay In Ohio Supreme Court
This student has a case.
This former lecturer did not.
This one is over.
We will see more cases like these.
- Lawsuit Challenges Attempts to Inject “Liberated Ethnic Studies” Curriculum Into California Schools
- Parent Sues Prestigious Los Angeles Brentwood School Over “Racially Divisive, Anti-Semitic Ideology That Seeks to Indoctrinate Children to Reject Western Values”
In other news, everything is still racist.
- Profs Say it’s Racist to Ask People to Renew Their Voter Registrations
- Scholars Obtain $500K Grant to Decontruct Whiteness in Physics
And problematic.
Don’t get caught not applauding hard enough.
If this lab is specifically for LGBT students, isn’t that exclusive?
The left is now creeping out a woman who managed to escape from North Korea.
Woke lawyers of the future.
Of course they are.
Anyone surprised?
It’s about time.
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