FL 2018 Gov. Candidate Andrew Gillum Charged With Fraud Dating Back to 2016
“after a grand jury returned a 21-count indictment”

Andrew Gillum, the Democrat who ran for governor of Florida against Ron DeSantis in 2018, was charged with fraud by federal authorities this week.
Gillum and one of his associates are accused of misusing campaign funds for personal purposes and wire fraud.
The last time Gillum was in the news he had been found on the floor of a motel room after abusing illegal drugs under shady circumstances. Can you imagine if this man won in 2018?
Max Greenwood reports at The Hill:
Andrew Gillum, 2018 Florida governor candidate, charged with fraud
Andrew Gillum, the 2018 Democratic nominee for Florida governor, and a longtime adviser were indicted in federal court on Wednesday on fraud charges.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Florida announced the charges against Gillum and Sharon Letterman-Hicks, a longtime Gillum adviser and the chief executive of the National Black Justice Coalition, after a grand jury returned a 21-count indictment.
The indictment alleges that between 2016 and 2019, Gillum and Letterman-Hicks illegally solicited funds under false pretenses. It also alleges that the pair used third parties to direct some of those funds to a company owned by Letterman-Hicks, who then funneled the funds to Gillum for his personal use.
Both Gillum and Letterman-Hicks are facing 19 counts of wire fraud. Gillum is also facing a charge of making false statements to the FBI.
Gillum and Letterman-Hicks are set to make their initial appearance in a Tallahassee federal court on Wednesday afternoon.
The alleged corruption actually predates the 2018 election:
Charges date back to 2016, before he ran for gov —> Andrew Gillum, 2018 Florida governor candidate, charged with fraud | The Hill https://t.co/oP4qBIOI8M
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) June 22, 2022
According to Kevin Tober of NewsBusters, liberal media outlets largely skipped covering this story but Bret Baier of FOX News gave it a mention:
Networks Ignore Former DeSantis Opponent Indicted on Federal Fraud Charges
On Wednesday, it was reported that former Tallahassee Mayor and one-time Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum along with his associate Sharon Lettman-Hicks, were indicted on 21 counts of federal fraud charges. While this would be widely reported if Gillum was a Republican, all three evening newscasts ignored the story. The only evening news program to cover the Gillum indictment was Fox News Channel’s Special Report.
Instead of covering the Gillum indictment, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News & NBC Nightly News decided to waste their viewer’s time on local weather reports, a shark attack off the coast of California, and newly released bodycam footage of a woman falling off a subway platform in New York City.
All three evening newscasts ignored former Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum's federal fraud charges. As expected, as one of the few real news anchors left in America, @BretBaier covered it. pic.twitter.com/THAB9GRA7i
— Kevin Tober (@KevinTober94) June 22, 2022
Gillum is going to be represented by Hillary Clinton ally and all-around Democrat party flack Marc Elias because of course he will.
Represented by noted election huckster @marceelias, the man responsible for the 2016 Russia Collusion hoax and the hundreds of changes to laws and processes to enable the ensuing destabilization in the run-up to 2020. https://t.co/zZrnUX85Z4
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) June 22, 2022

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This too is Trump’s fault
Well, it certainly isn’t Gillum’s fault. He’s the victim here.
Sarcasm alert!!!! Many of Peabody’s posts use irony to mock or convey contempt.
Even at my age I can have 40 or 50 sarcasms in an hour and not break a sweat.
Well said Mr Grizzly. In a market where so many Democrats are spreading their Bull, we need to be Bearish.
Very nice.
Only 21 counts? Definitely an underachiever.
It seems like several formerly Presidential-potential Democrats have gone to jail recently.
Gillum’s behavior is hardly amazing, but what is amazing is that he is being taken down by Brandon’s DOJ! Whaaaaaaaaaaat?
I would hope that as this trial will not be held in DC that there is a very good chance the jury won’t be stacked with 12 Democrat devotees and a Democrat judge.
He obviously peed in the marxist punchbowl at some point.
What’s more important though is the fact that his minority status wasn’t enough of a deflector shield to prevent the grand jury from indictment, which suggests extremely strong evidence against him.
Biden’s is a Democrat administration. Democrats in power felt Gollum was getting uppity.
I see you’ve done your homework. Originally known as Sméagol, Andrew later became known as Gollum after his habit of making “a horrible swallowing noise in his throat” while pocketing illicit funds with both hands.
It’s sad when your spell checker speaks Hebrew.
Don’t get too excited. The glaring double standard between how Biden’s DoJ treat leftist Democrats (of color!) and how Republicans are treated is simply brought into sharper relief.
Former Trump Advisor Peter Navarro, who had nothing to do with the J6 non-insurrection, was charged with a couple of misdemeanors when he claimed executive privilege and fought the subpoena from the J6 committee as it amounts to nothing more than a fishing expedition.
72 y.o. Navarrro who has no criminal record whatsoever was arrested by the FBI at the Nashville airport as he was about to board his domestic flight, handcuffed and clapped into leg irons in a very public display, and thrown into a cell to wait arraignment. Then he was freed on bond.
Gillum who is charged with 21 felonies was allowed to surrender.
Simple explanation for this comparison: No one will be rioting, burning, and looting for a while man.
Maybe he can become an artist like Hunter. Supplies are cost free since his art will consist of drug induced vomitus projected on to the canvas of his dirty bedsheets. How avant-garde, how inclusive, how au courant.
Oh oui, monsieur.
Some will pay millions for it. The same type who pay millions over-praised pictures of canned soup.
No one is buying Hunter’s art. They are buying favors and throwing the “art” in the trash. There is not one reported case of anyone buying it and hanging it on the wall. But landfills are filling up with it.
Variation on Hillary’s, Bill’s. and Barack’s books being big sellers. Unions and others buy up pallot-loads of them, to conceal campaign contributions.
Fur sure Big Bear.
What scary is that this ne’er-do-well reprobate and Dumb-o-crat, Gillum, came within ~30,000 votes of defeating future POTUS, DeSantis.
Florida truly dodged a bullet when it rejected Gillum — barely — in favor of DeSantis.