Legal Insurrection’s One-Millionth Reader Comment

Everything is relative. Compared to other websites, Legal Insurrection’s comment section is “relatively” calm and collected and “relatively” low-volume. That’s not to say that things don’t get rough and tumble sometimes, but by and large, a lot of people come to the website because the comment section is “relatively” not insane.

Many major websites have closed their articles to comments, while others use Articifical Intelligence programs to monitor and weed out the comment section. We also have gone through and repeatedly rejected moving to Disquss or similar third party platforms. We could have a lot more comments if we did that, but volume is not necessarily better.

We still have the native WordPress commenting function, and you need to register with us, which cuts down on drive-by commenters throwing Molotov Comments into the comment section, then watching it all burn. It’s not perfect. We know. But so far, it’s the least bad option.

Over the years we have noted certain milestones in the volume of comments, from “Oregon Mike” who had Our 100,000th Comment on May 22, 2012, to “Paul” who had Our 500,000th comment on July 26, 2017, to “Elzorro” who had Our 600,000th Comment on August 20, 2018.

We now can celebrate our One-Millionth comment, which happened this morning at 10:01 a.m., from “texasamurai” regarding the post Texas School Shooting: Suspect Identified as Salvador Ramos, Leftists Scream Gun Control:

“acquiring a weapon has never been a problem for this type of criminal anywhere in the world–a “lone wolf” attack is the most difficult assault to intercept/interdict/prevent for any citizen/leo/military force, etc.–those are facts not opinionsobama and fjb are both proven liars/puppets/grifters–their opinions are not merely suspect they are irrelevant to our personal safetythe best chance any of us have to survive/interdict/prevent any incident like the one here is to be armed and trained ourselves and then be willing to act”

It’s going to be a long time before the second million. So “texansamurai” savor this honor. You may now collect your prize.

UPDATE: Leslie’s 9 p.m. post tonight was our 45,000th post. Yikes, I’m feeling old.

Tags: Blogging