DHS Reportedly Bracing for Violence From the Right and ‘Abortion-Rights Proponents’ if Supreme Court Overturns Roe

Two weeks ago, CNN tried to warn that violence would come from the right if the Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade, which made absolutely no sense.

Now a memo from the Department of Homeland Security is warning of violence from the left if this actually happens.

The memo, obtained by Axios, paints a dark picture:

DHS preparing for violence following abortion rulingThe U.S. government is bracing for a potential surge in political violence once the Supreme Court hands down the ruling that’s expected to overturn Roe v. Wade, according to a Department of Homeland Security memo obtained by Axios.The big picture: Law enforcement agencies are investigating social-media threats to burn down or storm the Supreme Court building and murder justices and their clerks, as well as attacks targeting places of worship and abortion clinics.Details: The unclassified May 13 memo by DHS’ intelligence arm says threats that followed the leak of a draft opinion — targeting Supreme Court Justices, lawmakers and other public officials, as well as clergy and health care providers — “are likely to persist and may increase leading up to and following the issuing of the Court’s official ruling.”Context: Abortion-related violence historically has been driven by anti-abortion extremists.

That line about history is rich. People who are against abortion are extremists, but not the people currently protesting outside the homes of Supreme Court justices?

Other parts of the memo seem to bend over backward to appease the far left.

From FOX News:

The memo goes on to clarify that rhetoric supporting violent extremism does not itself constitute extremism.”The mere advocacy of political or social positions, political activism, use of strong rhetoric, or generalized philosophic embrace of violent tactics does not constitute domestic violent extremism or illegal activity and is constitutionally protected,” the memo reportedly reads.”DHS is committed to protecting Americans’ freedom of speech and other civil rights and civil liberties, including the right to peacefully protest,” a DHS spokesperson told Fox News. “DHS is also committed to working with our partners across every level of government and the private sector to share timely information and intelligence, prevent all forms of violence, and to support law enforcement efforts to keep our communities safe.”

Trump supporters from J6 are “insurrectionists” and parents questioning school boards are labeled terrorists, but when there’s a real threat of violence from the left, suddenly the people in power are careful to state how committed they are to freedom of speech and the right to protest.

Once you see media bias, you can never unsee it.

Tags: Abortion, DHS, US Supreme Court