British Gaming Journalist Wants to Know if You’d Murder Justices Alito, Thomas if You Could

British gaming journalist Simon Gwynn wants to know if you would murder SCOTUS Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas if you had the chance.

Think before you tweet. Also, if you think like this, you need to talk to someone.

Did Gwynn apologize?


Instead, Gwynn described it as a “thought experiment.” He also doesn’t think Twitter is the place to have such experiments.

What is the correct place, Gwynn? What is the correct place to contemplate murdering someone?

Disturbing. Also disturbing is how overturning Roe v. Wade has broken so many people.

The fact that these people have no problem saying these thoughts out loud…I fear for humanity. I wonder what they’re not saying out loud.

People like Gwynn also brush aside women who have had abortions. The majority of them are alone, afraid, and think abortion is their only option. A lot of them regret their decision and feel guilt and anger for the rest of their lives.

Glamorizing and acting like abortion is the only way to go is an insult to those women and females in general. They make us think that we cannot raise a child all by ourselves or that our life would be damaged if we had a child during a certain stage in our life. They make us think that so many of us will die if Roe v. Wade goes away.

What is wrong with these people?

Final point: It’s not even official! People like Gwynn have lost their minds just because Roe v. Wade could be overturned! I cannot even.

Tags: Abortion, Clarence Thomas, Twitter, US Supreme Court