Biden DOJ Announces New ‘Office of Environmental Justice’
“Although violations of our environmental laws can happen anywhere, communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution, and climate change”

Merrick Garland announced on Thursday that the Department of Justice is launching the Office of Environmental Justice. It speaks volumes about the priorities of this administration.
There are so many major problems in the country right now, and this is their concern.
It’s likely that this is just to remind the left how committed Biden is to fighting climate change. And of course to politicize the language around the topic and criminalize dissent.
Breanne Deppisch reports at the Washington Examiner:
DOJ launches new Office of Environmental Justice
The Justice Department is launching a new Office of Environmental Justice, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on Thursday, which will seek to redress health risks from climate change faced by minorities and low-income people in the United States.
“Although violations of our environmental laws can happen anywhere, communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution, and climate change,” Garland said at a news conference on Thursday.
“For far too long, these communities have faced barriers to accessing the justice they deserve,” Garland said, adding that the Justice Department “will prioritize the cases that will have the greatest impact on the communities most overburdened by environmental harm.”
Cynthia Ferguson, an attorney who currently works in the department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division, will be the acting director of the new office.
NBC News has more:
The Biden administration has asked Congress for $1.4 million for the office. Shalanda Young, the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, recently told lawmakers that the Justice Department “absolutely needs the tools to make sure all Americans are treated equally under the law even when there are environmental issues.”…
After environmental criminal referrals dipped during the Trump administration, President Joe Biden issued an executive order in January 2021 directing the attorney general to “ensure comprehensive attention to environmental justice throughout the Department of Justice.”
Here’s the video of Garland making the announcement:
You can guess where this is going.
Will this new office be prosecuting "climate deniers", opponents of the green policies, and fossil fuels companies? What's "environmental justice"?
— Miro Tokarczyk (@miroslavtok) May 5, 2022
Would it be too much to expect the DOJ to deal with actual crime?
The fact that Attorney General Merrick Garland is pursuing something called “environmental justice” in the midst of a nationwide crime wave is the latest evidence that both he and @JoeBiden lied to the country when they promised a “depoliticized” Department of Justice
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) May 6, 2022
Featured image via YouTube.

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This is for the birds.
“Will no one rid us of these turbulent communists?”
No, the birds are gone, chopped up by the windmills.
This should make it clear even to the doubters as to what the end goal is.
This is textbook Marxism and more absolute state control.
garland belongs in a cage with a tire swing
OMG. Just make it stop, already.
The d/prog are handing another weapon to the next r administration. Environmental Justice might be viewed as requiring more equal burden sharing among communities and States to more equally distribute environmental risk. Several potential ways to address the current inequality and spread the risk:
1. Use fed regulatory authority to require States to produce 85% of the electricity they consume.
2. Require each CD to generate 50% of the electricity they consume
3. Require that States/Cities with non standard fuel blend for vehicles to refine that blend locally
If the blue checkmark elites are concerned about environmental justice and not simply further burdening oil and gas and electric generation they would fall all over themselves to enact this sort of plan. They won’t because they don’t truly care, they just want to wield the issue as a political weapon. MAGA does care and we might think about how transformative this sort of plan would be.
You don’t cure socialism by being more socialist than they are.
You do fight fire with fire. What I proposed would increase energy reliability and security and strengthen the resilience of the grid and increase our defining capacity. This forces the d/prog to actually live up to their claims instead of buying their way out with a donation that is basically an indulgence. This is hardly socialism, it’s hardball politics where we play for keeps, no holds barred to win the damn fight.
I’d suggest you revisit the Law of Unintended Consequences.
I have decided that the Law of Unintended Consequences only applies to conservatives. For libs, it IS their intended consequence, every single time. Portland has just allocated a 25% increase in spending on the homeless, which is a guarantee to bring in 25% more homeless people.
Ok no problem. While I’m doing that how about you research exactly how letting the d/prog kick us in the teeth while our ‘leadership’ lays supine in submission, as you seem to endorse, has worked out in rolling back the legislative and regulatory policy victories put in place by the d/prog.
They run the faucet wide open when in power and our leaders at best manage to slow the rate when r are in power. The d/prog when next in power open up a new spigot pouring more taxes, regs, legislation and debt spending.
It’s past time we manned the pumps to lower the levels and start sealing shut the many spigot used by the d/prog to prevent a repetition. TV appearances on Hannity to talk tough but do nothing but make unfulfilled promises and 24/7 fundraise don’t get it done.
“Garland is pursuing something called ‘environmental justice’ in the midst of a nationwide crime wave”
His priorities are not our priorites.
The end of air conditioning.
Except in his office. See Jeffrey Immelt’s office at GE for example.
The vile Dumb-o-crats have thoroughly corrupted the word “justice,” by predictably overusing it and appending it to every single one of their corrosive policy aims and propaganda narratives, to lend the gloss of moral legitimacy to their manifestly totalitarian ethos and agenda.
I emphatically reject every single one of the Dumb-o-crats’ contrived propaganda phrases and their entire lexicon, including, but, not limited to: “social justice;” “racial justice;” “economic justice;” “environmental justice;” ” ‘trans’ justice;” “equity,” “diversity and inclusion” (TM); “person of color;” “black and brown bodies;” etc., etc.
They’re no different than some Scientology true believers blathering about thetans, and LRH, and OT-VII, etc.
“Garland…will seek to redress health risks from climate change faced by minorities and low-income people in the United States.”
Is he going to address obesity?
Obesity is our greatest public health threat, more serious even than the opioid epidemic. It is linked to chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
I’m just glad he failed to make SCOTUS.
That is the deepest thought I have encountered in a long long time.
““Although violations of our environmental laws can happen anywhere, communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution, and climate change,” Garland said at a news conference on Thursday.
Garland’s remarks represent such contemptible Dumb-o-crat propaganda. As if smog and air pollution are wafting through cities, only affecting citizens with darker skin pigmentation. And, as if the communities referenced by Garland aren’t interspersed with other groups, at all, living exclusively in homogeneous neighborhoods. Such total nonsense and rubbish.
“Shalanda Young, the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, recently told lawmakers that the Justice Department “absolutely needs the tools to make sure all Americans are treated equally under the law even when there are environmental issues.”…”
It would be really nice if all Americans were treated equally under the law, period.
“It would be really nice if all Americans were treated equally under the law”
But of course Garland will not let that happen. That is the reason he was put there.
About time some air handlers and RTUs experienced some sabotage. Let them live without A/C and heat before we do.
Epoxy resin in the coils of heat exchangers, pinched off refrigerant lines and unbalanced fans.
If it is good enough for Earth First! or the Sierra Club to do, why can’t we?
“Would it be too much to expect the DOJ to deal with actual crime?”
In a totalitarian society, like the one American progressives desire, the only true crimes are dissent against the State.
Crimes against people and property are not things for the State to combat, but instead are useful tools to force the proles to turn to the State to protect them.
“In a totalitarian society, like the one American progressives desire…”
Like the one we have one foot in.
And what happens when the proles realize that the state is NOT protecting them?
In some historical cases the governed withdrew their consent…..
I still haven’t worked out what social justice means. Now I have another assignment to understand environmental justice?! My compiler writing class was easier.
When you have to add a modifier to “Justice” like “ENVIRONMENTAL” or “RACIAL”, that’s a sure sign that what you’re selling has nothing to do with justice.
Imagine this dipshit replacing Scalia…
I give great praise to McConnel for postponing his appointment to SCOTUS. At least he got that right.
Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.
This is worse than I thought. I thought (naïve fool that I was) that this would “merely” be some kind of ecological jihad against “dirty” things like power lines, gas lines, and other things that prop up the modern world and keep America’s economy humming. But of course I aimed my sights too low, I underestimated the awfulness Garland and co have.
So instead we have another paean to Gaia with the old “Climate Change” nonsense, thus bringing the DoJ into obviously redistributionist grounds, and turf that You’d Expect would be the purview of the EPA. Because what we really needed in Current Year with political prisoners from Jan 6th still rotting away is yet another gaping maw on the Leviathan.
This administration is insufferable. The country is in the hands of the obnoxious suck up brats you had to sit next to in your freshman seminar.
Didn’t they try this before with Elizabeth Warren’s Credit Protection agency. It was just a shaken down organization to give money to they pets. The court ruled against it. The EPA courts are unaccountable right now anyways.
Garland has proven himself to be one unfunny CLOWN.
Garland is a full throated nutcase. And what is worse, the FBI/DOJ seem to believe they are the STASI.
“Although violations of our environmental laws can happen anywhere, communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution, and climate change”
If what he says about “anywhere” is true, how about just enforcing the existing laws, with the existing agencies and offices, and without the expansion, expense, and bloat that he proposes? Such enforcement would, by its nature, address these problems in minority communities in proportion to their spatial distribution and criticality.
So no more wind mills?
That sh!t is murdering birds including our American Eagles at an alarming rate and they don’t give a sh!t!
And they don’t work… that little ditty
It’s long past time we drag Gaia’s ass into court to account for why Earth’s resources are distributed so inequitably. And don’t buy into the “It’s the Sun!!!” arguments. It’s a ruse. Now referred to as “red hairings”.
Social… environmental justice anywhere is injustice everywhere.
Do blacks breathe different air than whites?
please call these people what they are:
Progressive Destructionists
Moronic and immature: it sounds like something right out of Obama.
I can’t decide which I like better, this new initiative or the Ministry of Truth. Every time that I turn around there is something new that looks to be dangerous, dumb or demented. What happened to that blind squirrel that finds a nut once in a while?
Be warned, ESG (environmental, social and governance) standards for corporations are being developed as we speak. They are being worked on internationally and created out of thin air. The DOJ and our government will beat us all – organizations and individuals – into submission with this.
Here’s a prime example. Mary T. Barra, CEO and chairman of the board at GM, sits on the board of directors at (the wonderful corporate citizen) Walt Disney company. Disney’s little bio to shareholders that pitches Barra’s nomination states that “…Ms. Barra contributes to … our Board experience in ESG thought leadership …” Thought leadership. There were eleven nominees for directorships at Disney, all eleven claimed ESG experience, four noted in addition “formal service in an ESG thought leadership role.”
Thought leadership. Think about it and be worried. Very worried.
Before DJT was confirmed as the next President I imagined with a Hildabeast Fuhrer it would be a crime for Climate change denial, seems might be a crime soon.
Merrick Garland is so radical, he couldn’t even get a hearing in the Senate when Obama nominated him for the Supreme Court.
Aren’t you glad that McConnell kept this hack off the bench?