Twitter Mockery of the Downfall of CNN+ is Comedy Gold
“didn’t even last as long as Jeffrey Toobin during a Zoom meeting”

As we noted yesterday, CNN’s new streaming service CNN+ is shutting down after launching barely a month ago. Why CNN thought that people would pay extra for programming no one watches on their TV channel defies logic.
Given CNN’s business model of embracing Trump Derangement Syndrome and demonizing all things conservative, lots of people on Twitter are having a good time with this news.
Ellie Smith, a producer for CNN, posted this cringeworthy warning:
PSA if you’re going to tweet something snarky about CNN+, hundreds of journalists and technicians who did nothing but work their tails off just had the rug pulled out from under them. So be kind.
— Ellie Smith (@elliekaysmith_) April 21, 2022
That got some immediate push back:
Now you know how the Keystone XL Pipeline workers feel.
— Kristi Noem (@KristiNoem) April 21, 2022
Learn to code!!
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) April 22, 2022
And there are plenty of other examples:
CNN+ will have lasted from March 29 to April 30. That's 32 days or almost 3 Scaramuccis.
— (@jtLOL) April 21, 2022
LibsofTikTok is alive and CNN+ is dead.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) April 19, 2022
Celebrating the life of CNN+
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 21, 2022
CNN+ didn’t even last as long as Jeffrey Toobin during a Zoom meeting
— Jordan Chamberlain (@jordylancaster) April 21, 2022
— Kyle Mann (@The_Kyle_Mann) April 21, 2022
— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) April 22, 2022
The milk in my fridge lasted longer than CNN+
— Dusty (@DustinGiebel) April 21, 2022
How Warner Bros/Discovery let #cnnplus know it was over:
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) April 21, 2022
Unlike Jeffrey Toobin, CNN Plus did not have a happy ending.
(I'll just see myself out now)
— Mike Glenn (@mrglenn) April 21, 2022
CNN has closed down its streaming channel CNN Plus for lack of interest after only a month. Too bad they don't shut down CNN itself for the same reason!
— Speak out omaha (@OmahaSpeak) April 21, 2022
— Benny CNN+ Lifetime Member (@bennyjohnson) April 21, 2022
— George Alexopoulos (@GPrime85) April 21, 2022
Fail all about it. #CNNPlus
— Mike LaChance (@MikeLaChance33) April 21, 2022
A lot of ridicule was reserved for Chris Wallace, who left FOX News for this:
Wallace's new gig…
— American Guy (@YankReb69) April 21, 2022
I guess nobody?
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) April 21, 2022
Even FOX News got in on it:
Fox News app is unmatched
— Abigail Marone 🇺🇸 (@abigailmarone) April 21, 2022
And Greg Gutfeld:
Fox's Greg Gutfeld has been taking shots at Chris Wallace on The Five this evening: "The Democratic bench is thinner than Chris Wallace's demo reel from CNN Plus."
— Kevin Tober (@KevinTober94) April 21, 2022
The Washington Free Beacon created a Memoriam video:
IN MEMORIAM: CNN+ (March 2022-April 2022)
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) April 21, 2022
That’s all, folks.

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Given CNN’s abysmal ratings I never understood the motivation or willingness to approve the launch of a paid streaming service. This was a vanity project by former CNN execs that was little more than wish casting; golly if charge $3 a month and garner 100 million subscribers then we make $300 million gross each month!!! Financial realty then very loudly intruded and interrupted the party.
I’m just cynical enough to see this as a tax dodge. A very healthy weite-off.
A tax write-off or as Glenn Beck called it, “The Hindenburg of media fails”
Glenn Beck claimed the cheetoes he rubbed on his face was a business expense.
Does that mean he cheeted on his expenses?
The CNN mothership isn’t exactly racking up viewer numbers either.
So the whole CNN organization may well be a tax write off for their parent company.
I like this. “The CNN mothership…”
Chris Wallace and Jeff Tubin……ha, gotta love it.
It was originally going to be Dan Weiner and Jeff Toobin. Everyone was so excited they thought it was a sport, “Are you watching Weiner Toobin tonight?”
Proving DJT right again. “Everything woke turns shit.”
CNN+ fought a heroic but in the end hopeless, rearguard action against capitalism.
Disney is also fighting a hopeless rearguard action. Ask any gay Disney employee.
They let the whole world know they like sex with little boys and little girls.
I’m gay but am not a paedphile. That’s clergy’s job.
/stereotypes are easy.
Better still is the downfall of that rino rat McCarthy, trying to hog himself the speaker position, so he can be another Boehner.
Remember: CNN+, the left, or whatever: they can’t get anything done unless rino rats help them. And McConnell and McCarthy are their two water boys:
Here’s the audio proof… McCarthy plotted with Liz Cheney for Trump to resign:
CNN+ Help I’ve fallen and can’t get up……
Babylon Bee’s take is made of legend:
18 Things That Lasted Longer Than CNN+ | The Babylon Bee
If you haven’t read it yet, you owe it to yourself to.
1. A gallon of milk.
6. Brief, transitory, inflation…
That is some funny stuff, but then it writes itself.
The streaming news version of Maryland’s post partum abortion bill. Both allow for the death up to 28 days after birth.
This whole supply-and-demand thing is haaaaard.
Dat’s cuz maff izda founderation ov supleye endemand
CNN+ life and death is a clear illustration of why liberals/progressives dearly hate a free marketplace.