VIDEO: “Children Are Sexual Beings From The Moment of Birth” – Seminar At National Association of Independent Schools Annual Conference

An educator at an NAIS school says that since “sexuality exists within the child” and “not in a box,” sexual knowledge should not be withheld even from the youngest children. This radical idea is based on the premise that since infants are born with a sexual identity, they are sexual beings “socially” from birth.

The presenter is Deborah Roffman, the “Sexuality Educator” at NAIS’ The Park School of Baltimore. Later in the seminar, she describes as “Puritan Speak” several common parental objections to sex education in early childhood.

She goes on to say that teachers who are “uncomfortable with this topic, those are the lucky ones, because they get to say to children, ‘This is really uncomfortable for me’.”

This presentation had been previously available for purchase on the NAIS website, but was scrubbed in February 2022, after I exposed clips from a 2019 NAIS training showing how to indoctrinate students with the BLM at School curriculum.

The assumption that sex and gender should be treated like any other subject is common in progressive circles, and frequently used to justify pushing controversial views about gender identity and sexual behavior on younger and younger children.

Parents have been horrified in recent years that their children have been exposed to extreme views on gender and inappropriate sexual topics by faculty and admins at NAIS schools. Gender Spectrum is one of many “expert” consultancies in the field that partner with the NAIS to promote these issues.

A recent Breitbart story, also drawing on leaked clips from the NAIS Annual Conference, exposed the pervasiveness of trans and queer ideology in NAIS schools and how it is taught to the youngest children.

The explicit nature of these sex ed programs are shocking.  Columbia Grammar & Prep in New York City was rocked by two recent sex ed scandals: a “porn literacy” class referencing “Kink, BDSM, waterboard and electro” in May 2021, and in February 2022, the hiring of a new sex educator who recommends and uses the controversial sex education video series.

Unfortunately, many religious schools offer no respite from this ideology. Church Publishing Incorporated offers materials that syncretize radical gender ideology with spirituality. Their materials are endorsed by the National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES). Below is a sample from their “These Are Our Bodies” curriculum for middle schoolers.

Parents, students, teachers and alumni in private schools all need to stay vigilant in the final months of the school year. We must continue to document and challenge school administrators when we observe children being groomed to adopt radical theories of gender, or exposed to inappropriate sex education.

This is the eighth in a series of articles devoted to exposing the radical influence of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) on the culture and curriculum at their 1,900 member schools, which include some of the most elite K-12 institutions in the country.


Paul Rossi is a high school mathematics teacher, tutor, and writer. In April 2021, he went public about the impact of Critical Race Theory and pedagogy on his students at Grace Church School, where he had taught since 2012. He is currently an advisor to the Educational Liberty Alliance and a co-founder of The Chalkboard Heresy Show, which platforming dissidents in education. Please send tips and stories to or DM him on Twitter at @pauldrossi.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Culture, Education, National Association of Independent Schools, Progressives, Social Justice