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Bus From Texas Drops Off Migrants by the U.S. Capitol

Bus From Texas Drops Off Migrants by the U.S. Capitol

“Texans demand and deserve an aggressive, comprehensive strategy to secure our border—not President Biden’s lackluster leadership.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott made good on his promise as his state is overwhelmed thanks to the border crisis.

Abbott announced last week that he told the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to send buses of migrants released by the federal government to DC.

The first bus with migrants arrived on Wednesday morning:

The bus pulled up at approximately 8 a.m. local time, blocks away from the U.S. Capitol building. Fox News has learned that they came from the Del Rio sector in Texas, after coming to the U.S. from Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Upon the bus’s arrival in Washington, D.C., individuals disembarked one by one except for family units who exited together. They checked in with officials and had wristbands they were wearing cut off before being told they could go.

According to TDEM, Abbott’s plan is already working. The agency told Fox News on Monday that many of the communities that originally reached out for support – from the Rio Grande Valley to Terrell County – say the federal government stopped dropping immigrants in their towns since Abbott’s announcement on April 6.

“Texans demand and deserve an aggressive, comprehensive strategy to secure our border—not President Biden’s lackluster leadership,” said Abbott. “As the federal government continues to roll back commonsense policies that once kept our communities safe, our local law enforcement has stepped up to protect Texans from dangerous criminals, deadly drugs, and illegal contraband flooding into the Lone Star State. Texas will always be a law-and-order state, and I thank our law enforcement officers who have answered the call to protect and serve their fellow Texans in the federal government’s absence in securing our border.”

Abbott said the federal government has not done enough to help the border states get a hold on immigration. The leadership is also mad because Biden wants to end Title 42, which will likely cause another surge.

Biden and his buddies cannot deny the videos and pictures from the border:


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Hell yeah.
I’m also a fan of Desantis saying he’d send them to Biden’s home state.

Si hoy perdiste el bus, habrá otro mañana.

Unfortunately this trip is completely voluntary; Texas can’t force anyone to board the bus if they don’t want to. And of course nothing prevents them from coming back to Texas if they want to, and can afford a Greyhound ticket.

I don’t know whether a free trip to DC was enough of an inducement to persuade these people to volunteer, or whether they were given something in addition. If they were, it was probably worth it, just to make them someone else’s problem.

The White House call this a publicity stunt, and they’re right, but there’s a time and place for publicity stunts, and this is one. It graphically makes Texas’s point, and that is a valid reason to do this.

    Peabody in reply to Milhouse. | April 13, 2022 at 4:38 pm

    Some illegal migrants who were interviewed said they were glad to take the bus to DC because it took them closer to their destination of New York.

    Andy in reply to Milhouse. | April 13, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    When I get to where I’m going- I’m going to lobby heavily to bus trouble makers to the blue state I came from.

    It’d be really wise for red states to up criminal sentencing to the hilt and simultaneously NOT pursue warrants out of state.

    henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | April 13, 2022 at 8:41 pm

    “Texas can’t force anyone to board the bus if they don’t want to.”
    But there’s cake!

    Barry in reply to Milhouse. | April 14, 2022 at 2:32 am

    The state can force you to wear a mask, but not get on a bus.
    The state can force your business to close, but not get on a bus.
    The state can stop you from gathering in groups, but not get on a bus.
    The state can close your church, but not put you on a bus.

    It seems the state can do anything it likes but put you on a bus.

      Milhouse in reply to Barry. | April 14, 2022 at 3:43 pm

      Um, yes. Did you think the state could force you to board a bus? Unless it was an emergency evacuation or something?

    Tionico in reply to Milhouse. | April 14, 2022 at 12:33 pm

    All true enough. But the POWER in this “publicity stunt” is that now fedGov are direclty impacted by their own refusal to follow the law. So far, one bus. How about one thousand such trips? Now FedGov will have to do SOMETHING. The locals in DC will be making some disturbing noises when theircity is overrun with illegal foreign invaders dropped on their doorstaps.
    I think the next four bus loads should drop off their passengers right in the Kinyun’s new neighbourhood. Let them camp on HIS front yard. And yes, flooding NJ with Biden’s new friends is an excellent idea. Can’t happen soon enough. Or often enough. Find HIS neighbourhood, and drop them there.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | April 13, 2022 at 9:19 pm

What do you call a bus of 40 Bidenimmigrants that crashes on the way to DC?

A damned shame because 4 seats were empty.

Richard Aubrey | April 14, 2022 at 8:02 am

And when they vote dem in DC it makes no difference.

Why are they being called “migrants,” here and on television reports, instead of “illegal immigrants?” And they are arguably invading.

(Invade: Enter so as to subjugate or occupy; Enter in large numbers with intrusive effect; encroach or intrude.)

    Tionico in reply to Idonttweet. | April 14, 2022 at 12:39 pm

    “immigrant” is a person who has gone through the protocols and proceedures to move lawfully from one nation into another. Thus no “immigrant’ is “illegal”, as they have complied dwith all laws in place.

    sTOP referring to these illegal foreign invaders as “illegal immigrants”. True immigrants are legal, ilegal foreign invaders are not “immigrants”.
    Words have meaning, and meaning has consequences.

    These are illegal foreign invaders.

    Anyone else reember the US Marine who got confused by the incredible mess and tan=ngle of signs, roads, turne, etc, as one enters Mexico by car t Tijuana? He misread a sign (he does not know spanish) and made a wrong turn, ended up inside Tijuana and Mexico. He was later caught, jailed, and was rotting away in a TeeJay prison. All because of a wrong turn, and no intent on his part. (I’ve been there, and seen the mess, I speak spanish and was still confused. One car of our convoy took a wrong turn, and we had to send someone back to find them and bring them back to the rest of the group) Mexico’s government simly shrugged and said “he entered ilegally, why shou;dn’t he be in prison?”
    But they happily allow millions to do the same in texas and invade, with every intent to do so. Justice? Start with Sleepy Unka Joey.

      Milhouse in reply to Tionico. | April 14, 2022 at 3:46 pm

      “immigrant” is a person who has gone through the protocols and proceedures to move lawfully from one nation into another.

      That is not true. An immigrant is any person who has moved into a place from somewhere else. It has no connection to any legal procedures.

I don’t disagree. I use it only because it is a statutory definition.