Where in the World Has Dr. Anthony Fauci Gone?

For nearly two years, the White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci has appeared at least weekly, of not daily, on news and opinions shows touting the latest Science related to covid.

Yet, in the wake of a stunning poll that revealed the American public has moved on from the pandemic, the Biden administration is completely reversing course on mask-pushing and vaccine-mandating. It has unveiled a new COVID-19 preparedness and management plan that focuses on detection followed by early treatment.

“…Biden will not accept just ‘living with COVID’ any more than we accept living with cancer, Alzheimer’s or AIDS,” the report states. “Because of our work, we are no longer going to let COVID-19 dictate how we live.”…The plan adds a focus on guarding against COVID-19 and treating the virus, including a “test to treat” program that would allow people to receive antiviral treatment pills immediately after testing positive, and developing a game plan for any new variants.

I will simply note that many infectious disease experts and medical doctors have been clamoring for more focus on early treatment options since the start of the pandemic in 2020. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) hosted an informative and vital “Second Opinion” panel that emphasized this pillar of pandemic response.

These expert opinions appear to have been throttled by Fauci and those connected to him, as well as media and Big Tech officials who wanted to promote the agenda he was pushing. However, in the wake of the abysmal polling, Fauci has disappeared.

Many of us have noticed.

In his speech to the 2022 CPAC in Orange County, Fla., over the weekend, former CIA analyst and radio host Buck Sexton called for a “housecleaning of the bureaucracy” within the federal government, including health care establishment that imposed Draconian rules and restrictions on Americans during the coronavirus pandemic….”The rapid fading of the COVID apparatus and the withdrawal from the constant appearances in the news cycle by the labcoat tyrant Fauci is a direct function of politics,” said Sexton, explaining that NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci was used as a “weapon’ within the federal bureaucracy – first against President Trump and later against any civilian dissidents of the Biden administration and its policies on that front.

He may be gone, but he is not forgotten, especially by those of us who have been collecting all the receipts.

Ohio congressman Jim Jordan (R) indicates an investigation into Fauci is a priority if they regain a majority in November’s midterms.

The first investigation suggested by Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, was into “all the lies [and] the misinformation, the disinformation” from Dr. Anthony Facui and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hopefully, there will be a fully transparent investigation that will lead to justice for everyone harmed or killed by Fauci’s decisions and those who will be suffering from the consequences of pandemic hysteria for years to come.

Tags: Anthony Fauci, Wuhan Coronavirus