Tucker Carlson Apparently One of the Main Reasons Chris Wallace Left FOX News

According to a recent profile of Chris Wallace in the New York Times, one of the main reasons he left FOX News last year was Tucker Carlson’s documentary questioning the official narrative of January 6th.

If true, FOX News viewers owe a debt of gratitude to Tucker Carlson.

The New York Times piece is behind a paywall, but Todd Starnes of Townhall has details:

Tucker Carlson Broke Never Trumper Chris WallaceChris Wallace, the disgraced ex-Fox News Channel host, took a number of cheap shots at his former place of employment during an exclusive interview with The New York Times.“I just no longer felt comfortable with the programming at Fox,” said Wallace, the notorious never-Trumper.Mr. Wallace left Fox News after nearly two decades to take a low-level job hosting a digital program on CNN, the fledgling leftwing news channel.He castigated both the network and Tucker Carlson, the top-rated host in all of cable television.“I’m fine with opinion: conservative opinion, liberal opinion,” Mr. Wallace said in his first extensive interview about his decision to leave. “But when people start to question the truth — Who won the 2020 election? Was Jan. 6 an insurrection? — I found that unsustainable.”Mr. Wallace told The Times he spent “a lot of 2021 looking to see if there was a different place for me to do my job.”He told the newspaper that he was “so alarmed by Mr. Carlson’s documentary ‘Patriot Purge’ — which falsely suggested the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a ‘false flag’ operation intended to demonize conservatives — that he complained directly to Fox News management.”“Before, I found it was an environment in which I could do my job and feel good about my involvement at Fox,” Mr. Wallace said. “And since November of 2020, that just became unsustainable, increasingly unsustainable as time went on.”

It’s funny to hear someone talk so passionately about the importance of truth after accepting a job at CNN.

Chris Wallace was a fixture at FOX News for years, but he clearly had a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. I’ll never forget watching Trump’s RNC speech in 2020, finding it inspiring, but then watching Chris Wallace dump all over it on FOX News. It was one of those moments where you wonder if you’re experiencing the same reality as others.

And who can forget Wallace’s horrible performance as a 2020 election debate moderator, where he went to bat for Biden in a way that would make Candy Crowley blush?

In case you’ve forgotten, his performance at that debate was so awful that the network gave him an opportunity to defend it:

Wallace will now host a show on CNN’s new streaming service CNN+ where he will be free to focus on his pathological hatred of Trump as much as his heart desires.

FOX News is better off without him, and if Tucker Carlson played a role in his departure, I have only two words to say.

Thanks, Tucker.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Fox News, Media, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Tucker Carlson