Liberal Media Starts to Notice Democrats Have a Hispanic Voter Problem

We have documented the genuine flight of Hispanic voters from the Democratic party to the GOP. It was recently observable in Texas, along the border of all places.

Now some people in the liberal media are starting to take note of this phenomenon.

Marc Caputo of NBC News seems to be trying to downplay the issue with this headline:

Poll: Hispanics aren’t flocking to the GOP, but Democrats still have problemsHeading into the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans have been riding a wave of positive press about their gains among Hispanic voters as Democrats fret about hemorrhaging support from the fast-growing demographic.But while Democrats clearly have a problem, the GOP’s growing support among Latinos is less dramatic than some headlines suggest, according to a new poll conducted by a top Latino Democratic pollster and underwritten by a conservative Spanish-language network.About 48 percent of Hispanics nationwide consider themselves Democrats, and only 23 percent identify as Republican, the poll found. Hispanic voters give President Joe Biden a positive job-approval rating, 48 percent to 29 percent, in contrast to disapproval of 54 percent to 44 percent among registered voters overall in the most recent NBC News poll.

Five paragraphs down, reality sets in:

Still, the poll bears numerous warning signs for Democrats. By a double-digit margin, more Hispanic Democrats are considering leaving their party compared to Hispanic Republicans. Such potential party-switchers are mainly becoming independents or third-party voters — and they also tend to line up more with Republicans on some issues.Overall, Hispanic voters are more likely than not to think the country is moving in the wrong direction, by a margin of 5 percentage points, according to the poll.

You can view all of the poll results here.

Chloe Folmar of The Hill is a bit more direct in her reportage:

More Hispanic Democrats in new poll considering leaving party than Hispanic RepublicansMore Hispanic Democrats than Hispanic Republicans are considering leaving their party “by a double-digit margin.”Those who are leaving often become independents or ally with third parties, trends show, although many demonstrate strong alignment with Republicans on some controversial issues.Overall, 48 percent of American Hispanics identify as Democrats, while 23 percent identify as Republicans.President Biden was given a 48 percent approval rating by Hispanics, compared to 29 percent disapproval.“The results showed good news, but not great news, for the Republican Party and conservative candidates,” said Jorge Arrizurieta, the president of the Americano network, according to NBC News.“We confirmed what we thought might be true: Hispanic voters are moving toward the center-right, but continuing this trend will require engagement by the party and its candidates,” wrote Arrizurieta in a statement. “Republicans must show up in the Hispanic community.”

That last quote from Mr. Arrizurieta is correct. Republicans cannot take these new voters for granted and must reach out to them. The good news is that it’s starting to look like the GOP knows this.

The other thing to keep in mind is how Marc Caputo tries to massage the news by saying that most Hispanic voters leaving the Democratic party are becoming independents.

So what? Is that good news for Democrats? Does Caputo think these folks are leaving the Democratic party and becoming independents so they can keep voting for Democrats?

Not everyone who leaves one party is ready to dive into another immediately.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Democrats, Media