Hispanic Republican Women Make Big Gains in Texas GOP Primary

Texas Republicans had a primary on Tuesday night, and the results were far more exciting than anything Biden had to say in his SOTU speech.

We recently noted the Republican shift among Hispanic voters in Texas. Tuesday night was the evidence.

Sabrina Rodriguez reports at Politico:

Hispanic women emerge as big winners in Texas GOP primaryRepublicans have long argued that Donald Trump’s gains in majority-Hispanic South Texas were not a one-time deal and, instead, the beginning of a larger trend.The primary results on Tuesday night proved they’re right.The GOP saw continued strong turnout in the state’s southernmost border counties in the latest display that Trump’s gains among Hispanic voters were no anomaly. But that was only part of the story. When the dust clears after the May 24 runoffs, as many as eight Latinos — including six women — could ultimately be Republican nominees for congressional seats across Texas. In the Rio Grande Valley alone, at least two Latinas will carry the GOP nod.With the GOP continuing to pump money into South Texas and more Hispanic Republicans, particularly women, running for office, there are signs the traditional balance of power in the longtime Democratic stronghold is beginning to shift.“We want to show Hispanics that this is what the Republican Party looks like. It looks just like them,” said Mayra Flores, who won the GOP nomination for her South Texas-based congressional seat. “We were raised to think that the Republican Party was for the rich and only white men and that’s not true. Look at us. We are the face of the party.”

As you may have heard, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has involved herself in Texas politics. She and other progressives are on a mission to turn Texas blue.

One of the Hispanic Republican women in the running responded to AOC.

FOX News reports:

Texas GOP candidate calls out AOC: ‘This is not a progressive, socialist community’A Texas congressional candidate called out Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Thursday, vowing Republicans will “fire” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in the 2022 midterm elections.”I have a message for AOC: Do not AOC, our south Texas, and our Texas. We are not a progressive socialist community. Our party is all about faith, family, and freedom, and the voters have spoken. March 1st, we saw victorious people coming out to support our race and we are going to win this runoff on May 24th and we are going to be victorious in November,” Cassy Garcia told “Fox & Friends First.”Garcia is running in the district of Rep. Henry Cuellar, a nine-term incumbent and the last anti-abortion House Democrat. Cuellar has been critical of the Biden administration’s border policies.After avoiding defeat in Tuesday’s Democratic primary in Texas, he will head to a runoff against progressive immigration attorney Jessica Cisneros, according to The Associated Press.Cisneros, 28, represents the Democratic Party’s progressive wing, which is trying to oust moderate incumbents. Cisneros’ campaign was endorsed by progressives Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.

Republicans have got to hold the line in Texas. If the state ever does turn blue, it’s game over.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Republicans, Texas