CBS News Does Story About Transphobia in Ukraine as Bombs Fall on Country

Is there something in the water over at CBS News? Last week, they did a report claiming that America’s economic problems were caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Now, as the country is under attack, the network has produced a story about transphobia in Ukraine, focusing on the plight of one particular transgender person.

Must every issue be viewed through the lens of a social justice warrior?

Li Cohen writes at CBS News:

“A war within a war”: Transgender woman says transphobia and discriminatory laws keeping her hostage in Kyiv during Russian invasionZi Faámelu was born and raised in Crimea, an area of Ukraine that was invaded and taken over by Russia in 2014. Now the 31-year-old lives in Kyiv, the capital city that has been under Russian siege for nearly a week. She is running out of food and hasn’t left her house for days as gunfire erupts outside.And she says she can’t leave.Faámelu, who is transgender, said that transphobia is pervasive in the city and neighboring countries, and fears that if she leaves, the tension of the ongoing conflict will make her more susceptible to violence. Faámelu was previously a popular contestant on the Ukrainian singing competition show “Star Factory.”…For days, Faámelu said, she has had to keep the lights off in her apartment and keep the windows closed. She lives alone, her friends have all left the city, and she said it seems like she may be one of the only people left in her building at all. She lives near a building in Kyiv that had been hit by a missile.She fears what could await her outside.”Many people have guns and weapons. … It can be an excuse for violence,” she said. “…This is a very scary situation.”

CBS News even promoted the story with a highly produced video on Twitter:

This caused a very strong reaction on Twitter and, to be clear, people are not ridiculing the person at the center of the story, but CBS News which looks ridiculous for publishing this.

The college campusification of America is nearly complete.

Featured image via Twitter video.

Tags: LGBT, Media, Russia, Transgender, Ukraine