Virginia Democrats Make Masks Optional in Schools After Opposing Youngkin’s EO

When one domino falls the others tend to follow. Thank you, Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis.

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin faced backlash from the left and mainstream media when he ordered schools to make masks optional for students. The liberal school districts lost their minds, asking judges to overturn it.

Virginia Democrats tore down Youngkin.

But Youngkin had one Virginia senator in his corner: Chap Petersen from Fairfax City. Petersen was iffy about mask mandates in schools so he supported Youngkin’s idea.

The SB 739 bill requires schools to teach in person. Petersen added a bipartisan amendment that allows parents to choose to unmask their children.

Ten of the state’s 21 Democrats supported the amendment.

The Fairfax County Parents Association tweeted that the news of the bill passing panicked the FCPS school board.

Allahpundit at Hot Air shared the scorching letter Petersen sent to Fairfax County public schools. The first part is priceless (emphasis courtesy of Allahpundit):

More critically, the decision to wear a mask in public – when there is so little correlation with public health – makes it de facto a political decision. In other words, by wearing a mask in a public setting, the wearer is able to communicate a political message, e.g. “I Care About Others” or “I voted for Biden” or even “I’m Vaccinated.” The ability to communicate a political message is the essence of our First Amendment, but coercing others into adopting that statement, especially a student in a public school, is the exact opposite…


Petersen is a decent politician. He objected to former Gov. Ralph Northam’s endless pandemic mandates concerning schools.

Even though Petersen supported Youngkin’s order he wanted to do it through legislation: “We needed to solve this ourselves. And we will. I don’t like executive orders…We needed to act to end the mask wars.”

What a shock, though, that other Democrats joined Petersen. That’s sarcasm because Democrats know the majority of people are sick of mandates. It’s why Democrat governors decided to end mask mandates. Illinois Gov. Pritzker and New York Gov. Kath Hochul are weighing their options.

Of course, they all base their decisions on the science and falling COVID cases.

Once again. We’ve been living mask-free in Oklahoma since last year and doing just fine.

Science my bootie. They all know citizens are turning against them and their stupid power grabs, especially when it comes to their children.

To politicians, it was never about the science. It was all about politics.

Tags: Democrats, Education, Virginia, Wuhan Coronavirus