First, we had Stacey Abrams flaunting her ability to ignore her own advice and a city’s mask mandate.
Now we have Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman caught without a mask posing for a close photo with masked high schoolers on January 31. The school district did not publish the picture until February 3.
New York state has a public school mask mandate.
I cannot even with these people. I haven’t seen an excuse from Bowman.
But like Abrams, he cannot say that he took off the mask for the photo because why force the kids to keep on their masks? It makes no sense.
It makes no sense for these kids to even wear masks.
The criticism also has nothing to do with Bowman’s race or Black History Month. Look at what he tweeted on February 2 just a few days after he posed for the picture.
Give me a break. I’m also tired of these people using my autoimmune disorders to push their agenda. I do not care if you wear a mask around me, especially now that I’ve had my vaccines. Leave us out of this. We can protect ourselves.
It gets better. He posed for a picture without a mask at the Westchester Jewish Council Gala on February 5.
If you care so much about not spreading or catching COVID then social distance.